Chapter 6; Drift

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Before going into this chapter, here's a bit of a note. This and the next chapter will be set in the past. It will feature Y/n's past, as to why his parents aren't around, and a look into how Y/n and the others met. Enjoy~!

((Past brought to you by School Of Tears))

(( Y/n's POV ))

I had kind loving parents, a small but dependable group of friends and an overall normal life. If I ever had to describle my life in one world, it would be 'normal'. I always woke up to either my mother or father knocking on the bedroom door, telling me that breakfast was ready.

We would have breakfast together, before father would leave for work. Mother would always drop me at school, before she headed for work as well. I would then always make my way to the small group of friends I had, before classes started and we would go our own ways.

But there was something I wasn't expecting at all in my normal life. It was just like any other Sunday afternoon, as me and my father were watching movies. The loud screaming of my mother as masked men came in from the backdoor, with guns in their hands. My father quickly pushing me into a closet, telling me to stay silent.

And the gunshots.

In few moments, they were gone. The police were alerted by our neighbour, but they were late. When they arrived, they found me crying and screaming, holding the limp and cold hands of my parents. As they had to drag me away from the bodies, I felt something dim out and die inside me.

Months passed as I was being rehabilitated. The first month was the worst. I couldn't concentrate on anything, and all the screaming and crying made me lose my voice. But slowly, as the months passed on, I started to get better. And at the end of the sixth month, I had come to terms with the fact that they were now gone.

Even though I got better and better, my voice never returned. Some doctors told me it was because of trauma, some told me it was because I had overused my voice and it now needed rest.

((Timeskip brought to you by Joke))

As the therapist in front of me closed the folder in his hands, his gaze slowly rose from it to me, a small soft smile on his lips. "... Y/n.. The last year has been very hard on you, but you still kept fighting through it.. That, I am proud of.." He spoke in a calm manner.

I nodded, a small smile on my face. ".. As you know, now that you're stable, there is no reason to keep you in this facility.. Though, as you still are underaged, we can not let you run around alone.. The government has a boarding school, for people who have gone through similar things as you have.. You'll be moving there in the next few days, so you should start to pack your things and get ready."

I nodded again, the small smile widening on my lips as I walked out of the room. It would be my first time stepping out of the facility in the whole year. How exciting would that be? As I made my way to the small room i called my own, doubt started to enter my mind. What if people will mock me for not being able to speak? What if they'll laugh at me?..

((Timeskip brought to you by Did you see my bag?))

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