Chapter 3; Spring Day

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(( Namjoon's POV ))

Jungkook ended up not arriving at the cafe, so I sent him the address to our next meeting place. Y/n's apartment. After a long time of debating and questioning, we got the information out of the exact location of Y/n's apartment, and now we were cramped in a van, driving towards the place itself. Seokjin decided to drive, even though by now we all had licences.

It was a long drive due to the traffic, and the fact that it was on the other side of the city. Glancing through the rearview window I saw a heartwarming scene. The back of the van was silent. Hoseok had fallen asleep with his arms wrapped around Y/n. Yoongi was asleep with his head laying on Y/n's stomach. Taehyung was hugging Yoongi's leg. Jimin had his face buried in Yoongi's stomach.

At some point we decided to switch the driver, so Seokjin could get some sleep as well. So now it was me driving. The silent car, the warmly painted evening sky and the small snores that escaped from the younger ones made me chuckle.

I truly had missed this.

(( Some sort of timeskip brought to you by Sugar Gliders ))

(( Jimin's POV ))

I woke up to a sudden stop, as Namjoon yelled something from outside the van. Something about arriving. Slowly, I sat up and crawled out of the van, walking next to a sleepy Seokjin. "... Hyung, where are we?" I asked in confusion, not really specifying which one i made the question for.

"We're staying at Y/n's apartment until Junkook shows up." Namjoon let out a slight sigh, as he started to bang on the van, waking up those who were still inside. "Y/n-ah we can't get in your apartment if you don't open us the door.." He explained as a frowning Y/n slid out of the van, instantly lying down on the ground.

"Y/n that's... Not good for your health" Seokjin picked the tired boy up and chuckled softly. Y/n groaned something about good health being a lie made by society, as Seokjin shook him gently. It was weird seeing them all together, but it felt nice. I felt home again. A wide grin made it's way on my face as i patted through Y/n's pockets, finding the keys and.. Pills. I took the keys but didn't mention the pills.

"Hyung i found the keys, we can go in now!" I exlaimed happily, waving the keys around in my hand. After that, I quickly glanced at the key and it had the number 49 on it. Seemingly that was the apartment numder. I made my way to the apartment door and opened it, looking around. The apartment was mostly empty, except beer cans, empty instant food plates and all sorts of trash lying around.

Guilt made it's way up my spine as I then felt a rough pat on my back. Hoseok had made his way to the apartment as well, leaving Yoongi to deal with Taehyung alone. A chuckle escaped my lips as I heard the calm but growling voice of Yoongi, and the laughter of Taehyung.

They truly were my home.

(( Taehyung's POV ))

I was awoken by Yoongi with a few not so soft, but not so rough kicks to my back. "... Ah, hyuung~..." A dazed and happy smile was on my face, as I stumbled out of the van. "We're finally here?" I looked around, staring at the building that the van had been parked in front of. It was very old. By chance, if someone would stare it long enough, maybe it'd crumble down.

"C'mon Taehyung-ah. Yoongi-hyung. We still need to go and buy food." Namjoon's yell pulled me out of my thoughts as I nodded, grinning happily. "Coming hyung!" I skipped the stairs up, making my way to the apartment as Yoongi grumbled something about the building having too many stairs. As I told him that there was a small elevator he groaned, making me laugh.

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