Chapter 2

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After about a half and hour of getting my bags and myself checked I'm finally in my seat. I got lucky though my mom bought a window seat which means I can lean on the window to get some sleep.

She didn't do a good job printing off the ticket though because it said the date she printed it off. She bought this ticket a month and a half ago. So either way I would be sent away to my dad house for the summer.

A little girl sits next to me and smiles. Her front two teeth are gone and her hair is brown and down to her shoulders and her eyes sparkle.

"Hi I'm Sammantha but you can call me Sam" she says and waves.

"Hi I'm Rosalita, and well I don't really have a nickname."

"Well how do you like Rose?"

"To girly for me" we both laugh.

"That's silly you are a girl."

"Yeah I know I guess I don't like it."

She nods "what about Ross or Rosa?"

"Ross is cool"

"Silly that's a boys name but if you like it then it shall be your nickname"

"It's better than Rosalita"

"Yes it is" we both laugh.

"You know Ross I like you"

"I like you too Sam."


I'm walking out of the airport with my suite case rolling behind me. I haven't seen my dad in years so who knows what he looks like now. My mom told me that he is going to pick me up at the corner with the big airport sign. So I walk over to the sign.

After about 10 minutes I sit on my suite case.

After about another 10 minutes I'm getting bored. He obviously forgot.

"Excuse me miss do you need a ride somewhere?" I look up and there is a guy maybe early twenties looking down at me. He's in a black shirt with a little taxi on it.

"Oh no I'm waiting for my dad."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah he should be here soon."

He nods then walks away. Where could my dad be? I don't know where I would go of I started walking. So I stay put.

"Excuse me Rosalita?" I look up "Sorry I'm late I got stuck at work. Then traffic on the way here was terrible" the man who looks like he's 50 or so great hair and a beard that is way over due looks down at me and smiles.


"Who else" he laughs. I stand up and grab my suite case. He opens the trunk and I put my suite case in.

"How have you been Rosalita?" He asks when I get in the car.

"I go by Ross now and fine." I look straight at the road.

"That's good to hear. I haven't seen you in what 2 years?"

"More like 3 to 5 years"

"Really that long? Wow...time flies when your old." He laughs

Well dumb ass time flies when you don't give two shits about your daughter. Time flies when you get drunk every night. Time flies when you sleep for a week straight then wonder why you got fired. Time flies when you don't care. Instead of saying that I stay quite.

"Tomorrow you can take my car to the mall and find a job"

"Your being serious I have to work."

"Well yes your not gonna free load off of me these next 3 or so months"

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