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Closing my journal and dropping my pen on my reading desk, I stood up from my chair, which usually was behind my reading desk. I shifted away from the table and chair before throwing myself onto my bed.

I had just added some things to my bucket list. There were so many things I wanted to achieve before my life would end. And, those things had to be penned in case I'd forget some.

Now, before you think negatively about why I was writing a bucket list, please don't. I loved my life the way it was; I wasn't thinking suicide. I simply thought it was best to put my dreams down – the dreams I so desperately wanted to achieve before I'd kick the bucket.

My bucket list was unending 'cause I always added things to it. Some of which I still doubt I'd ever achieve because they were tagged impossible. But, a girl still has the prerogative to dream, hasn't she?

Soon, I felt my bed vibrate. I sat upright and searched for my phone on the bed, knowing it was my phone that vibrated the bed.

I found it laying near my pillow. I stretched on the bed and picked it up.

After turning it on, I saw a notification of three new messages from my bestfriend, Dera. Hmm… I wonder what's up now.

Dera: Babe!

Dera: Ono?

Dera: Onome!!

I narrowed my eyes at the three messages. Surely, something was up. There had to be a very good reason why he sent three messages 'cause it really got my attention.

I decided to reply back:

Me: Yeah?

It didn't take long before he texted back.

Dera: Did you hear the gist?

Me: What gist?

Dera: Imagine Dragons are holding a concert in Nigeria.🙌

Dera say what now? Immediately, heat rose in my body and it shook due to the excitement of my blood cells. I threw my phone on the bed and jumped from the bed.

All parts of me joined my blood cells to scream in excitement, "Imagine Dragons are holding a concert in Nigeria! This is amazing!"

I felt like cartwheeling in the room. But, I didn't as there wasn't enough space.

I sat on the bed again and grabbed my phone.

Me: *screams* *hyperventilating*. Asdfghjkl!!!😵

Dera: Calm down joor...

On reading that text, I chuckled. He knew me so well. I could bet that he too was laughing after reading my last text.

Then, I thought of exactly when and where they were going to come to in Nigeria. There was no way I'd ever miss their concert. Not in this life of mine. It was one of the most important in my bucket list.

Me: When?!

Me: Where?!

Me: Answer me, you trash!!!

I tapped my feet impatiently. Why was it taking so long for the dude to reply? Was he writing an epistle?

Dera: Calm your tits, bitch! They'll be in Nigeria by next week.

Me: This is torture... Just spill already.

Dera: ABUJA!!!!!

There was no doubt about it: my jaw fell to the ground immediately.

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