Meeting the girls

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Authors note: Hey guys.. This is gonna be a long, but TOTALLY worth it chapter.. like risk all my poptarts good ^~^

[Bruce has entered the chat]

Bruce: Time to tell Tony... *takes deep breath*

[Tony has been invited by Bruce]

Tony: *sniffles* y..y..yes ..B....B..Bruce?

Bruce: I have good news, u need to get up, get dressed in something nice and meet me at the lab k?

Tony: For what Bruce?

Bruce: Well Emma called up her cousin and her cousin & best friend want to work in the lab with us...

Tony: Bruce!

Bruce: Please dont hurt me... mark 42 does some damage even to Hulk...

Tony: No.. thats great!! When do we meet them?

Bruce: 10 minutes....

Tony: DUDE!!! Ok gtg get ready bye!

[Tony has left the chat and Bruce as well]

Tony Stark' POV:

Wow.. people actually want to work with me and Brucie.. never thought we'd be anything other than science bros... We are gonna meet in a few so I started walking to the lab.. downstairs XD

Authors note: sorry! its still the middle of the story... but i wanted to tell u it will be in story mode for a minute or two..

The girls, walked in both looking almost like twins.. Though both Tony and Bruce could tell which was Emma's cousin. She had somewhat long brown hair, unforgettable freckles and beautiful hazel eyes. Her friend had a little longer brown hair, the nicest smile and also had hazel eyes. They could be twins except Emma's cousin had more noticeable freckles. Tony and Bruce were stunned, but excited to know who they were.

(Btw until i say 'has entered the chat' they r just talking)

Tony: Hello Girls, welcome to Stark Tower.. and most importantly the lab.. May we learn your names?

Emma's cousin: My name is Sky and my best friend here is Lily..

Bruce: Well, Sky, Lily we are very happy you are applying

Lily: Thanks Bruce.. :)

Sky: Um so we are both very good at science obviously, or we wouldnt be applying.. I've actually made myself a replica mark 42 suit before *blushes*

Lily: I make my own inventions that i can usually never try, because Sky always spills her coffee on them...

Sky: *laughs* yeah...

{Tony' thoughts: Wow her laugh is beautiful, her looks as well.. I'm pretty sure Bruce like Lily as much i like Sky..

Lily: Lol thanks Tony, you've got some nice thoughts..

Tony: What the..?

Lily: Yes, im a telepath.. its my only power but i can read minds, move things with my mind and control people if i try..

Tony: Cool, I'll ask about you  powers in a minute..}

(Back to talking)

Bruce: So girls.. how badly do you want to work in Stark tower? And possibly be Avengers?

Lily: Well.. personally both have been my dream for a long time...

Sky: Me as well.. but mostly because I hacked into some things when i was in an orphanage and some stuff about parents, said they were part of S.H.I.E.L.D. I badly want to know who they are or were..

Tony: Oh....Sky...Uh...I'm sorry for you

Bruce: Yea me too...

Sky: Thanks guys, but one more thing you may need to know... we have powers....

Lily: Yea...

Bruce: Great! More Avengers with powers will be great!!

Tony: So what are they..

Lily: Well, I'm a telepath.. I can read minds, move objects an  if i try hard enough... control people.. so be careful what you're thinking when I'm around.. :D

Bruce: Whoa.. O.O

Sky: And... i can control water, weather and sometimes i can read minds but not all the time.. Also I'm really smart.. I read everyday all the time.. 24/7 :D

Tony: ^~^

Bruce: Ok, girls you're hired!! I'm going to call Fury and tell him to make you're badges and such... suits will come after..

Lily & Sky: Perfect!! Jinx XD

[Bruce has walked away to call Nick Fury]

Lily: Ok, well thanks Mr. Stark, Sky I'm gonna go start the car and stuff..

Tony: Call me Tony :) And you two are welcome anytime. We'll introduce you to the rest of the Avengers tomorrow..

Sky: Great :)

[Lily has gone upstairs to go outside and start the car]

Sky: Tony, got any scotch?

Tony: Duh... *hands shot glass of scotch*

Sky: Thanks.. *drinks* See you tomorrow *winks*

[Sky has left the room]

Bruce walks back in to see Tony passed out on the floor with a smile on his face. Bruce picks up the limp Tony and puts him on the couch. Bruce then goes upstairs to his 'home away from home' room an  puts on sweat pants and a t-shirt. He goes downstairs and starts on an invention to impress the girls tomorrow.

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