Not So Much A Girls Only Sleepover

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Authors note: Hola.. so this is gonna be pretty short chapter, i need a break from bringing in characters, long chapters and drama bombs so here is a chapter for u to enjoy, even thougb its short :)        <3 <3 <3 ~rootaboo

[Natasha, Emma, Scarlet, Lily and Sky have entered the chat]

Scarlet: Girls Night!!!

Natasha: Totally!! Plus we're all Avengers now too

Emma: Yea!!

Lily: So, who's house r we having this at...?

Natasha: U could come over here.. if u want :)

Sky: Yea.. that sounds good....

Emma: Sky u ok?

Sky: Huh, what. totally.. um Im going to go pack my things bye

[Sky has left]

Scarlet: Whats her problem??

Lily: Idk, probably day dreaming about Tony.. XD

Natasha: Yea who knows.. XD

Emma: Ok well I'll see u guys later, i should go pack my stuff

Scarlet: Yea me too..

[Emma and Scarlet have left]

[Coulson has entered]

Natasha: Coulson! Sir! What r u doing here?

Coulson: Natasha, do be careful around these girls...

Natasha: Sir, what's the problem?

Coulson: Natasha, they have powers... all of them.. u don't just be careful

Natasha: Coulson, u worry to much XD They're my best friends.......Plus me and my boyfriend are master assassins, I think I'm ok

[Coulson has left]

Natasha: Lets just hope u didn't get ur self fired, Nat...

[Natasha has left]

****Story part****

Natasha's POV

The house is a mess..... Thanks Clint  ^-^ Anyways the girls should be here in 2 hours, and i have to clean the house.. by myself.. Later should be interesting, just me and my girls. But i'm a little freaked out, Coulson normally doesnt act like that.. He sounded like he was being... controlled... CRAP! LOKI!!! That  Asgardian creep freaked me out for nothing!! At least i hope it was Loki...

Emma's POV

Sky was acting really weird earlier... I know she wasn't day dreaming about Tony, though it was a pretty funny joke. Knowing my cousin, she's either ticked off, upset or over thinking something.. Or a combination of all of those. She's probably still a little shocked from Tony's surprise. But, I guess I should talk to her later.. Now though... Im excited for our sleepover!!

(Mini Authors note: Um.. Lily will have a POV later during the sleepover)

Sky's POV

Ok, so my friends are probably excited for this sleepover, though I'm nervous because my friends don't understand that I'm not an Avenger yet.. Lily, Scarlet, Emma and of course Nat have all been accepted by Fury into the Avengers... idk y I haven't!! I haven't told anyone I'm not an Avenger yet, including Tony.. I have a meeting with Fury soon.. but until then I get really upset when it's brought up.. I'm also afraid Tony will be mad at me for not telling him or that he won't love me the same.. Even reading and watching the movie of Beauty and the Beast won't cheer me up!! Ask Emma, Lily or Scarlet, that usually cheers me up. I also tried listening to multiple Disney Pandora stations for hours.. nothing :'(  Idk what to do...


(Right now its still Sky's POV)

A pillow fight had just ended, when Emma suggested sharing secrets.. I almost died inside.. No more lies, I wanted to cry and then it happened... Waterworks. Why now!! Nat, Emma, Lily and Scarlet immediately asked whats wrong.. Again I said to myself No more lies.. So I told them.. I'm not an Avenger yet..

Lily's POV

Me: What?!?! How r u not an Avenger, Sky? We were brought in at literally the EXACT same time!!

Sky: *crying* I..I know... but Fury never accepted me..

Natasha: Oh, Sky... We didnt know.. We never meant to hurt u

Emma: Yea, sorry Sky..

Scarlet: Can i go beat up Fury??

Me: No ^-^

Sky: XD U guys r the best u know that right.

All (except Sky): Yup :)

Sky: Guys... One more thing... Tony doesn't know either.. Nor do the rest of the Avengers..

Natasha: Great -_-

Emma: Well then tell them...

**No longer a Lily's POV**

[Sky, Emma, Scarlet, Lily and Natasha have entered]

[Sky has invited all the Avengers and Loki]

Sky: Hey guys...

Tony: Hey baby :)

Steve: Whats up?

Bruce: Yea.. u do know its like 10:30 at night right?

Natasha: Shut up Bruce -_-

Clint: Calm Tasha, Calm

Loki: XD

Thor: Let Ms. Sky talk u rude midgardians >:\

Emma, Lily and Scarlet: XD

Sky: Guys.. I have something important to tell u..

Tony: O.O



Sky: I'm not yet an 'official' Avenger *cries* Fury never accepted my application *cries*

Tony: Omg.. Sky... *chat hugs*

Steve: *chat hugs Sky*

Bruce: Do u need any ice cream Sky?

Natasha: No we have plenty at the house..

Clint: Wait why is Sky at ur house?

Natasha: Sleepover...? :)

Thor and Loki: *facepalm*

[Coulson has entered the chat]

Everyone (except Sky): Agent Coulson sir!

Sky: Agent Coulson... *evil glare*

Coulson: Sky, Director Fury would like to see u in his office...

Sky: But... its 10:30 at night...

Coulson: *glares at Sky*

Sky: Fine! Gosh!

[Sky has left]

Coulson: The rest of u.. bed.. NOW

All: *groans and hisses*

[Everyone has left]

Authors note: Okay so at the beginning, I said.. Oh short chapter, no drama bombs right now.. Yea i failed at that XD So i guess JK lol... hope u enjoyed XD Took forever for the right idea to come across XD I almost cried writing this chapter and i loved how everyone felt.. so.. helpless XD Muahahahaha JK JK this chapter was really hard to write!! So u better have enjoyed.. ok ima stop talking now, bai XD
   <3 <3 ~rootaboo

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