Natasha's Help

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Authors note at the end :)

Natasha's POV

Sky is now out of the hospital. She's on crutches though and Tony couldn't take care of her for two reasons. 1. All he keeps saying to Sky is 'Sorry' he's still in really bad shock and thinks it's all his fault.. 2. Coulson flipped when he heard and demanded Sky's suit be fixed before she can fight.. So.... I get to help out Sky :)

Sky has seemed a little lonely and bored so I decided to invite Steve, Emma, Scarlet, Clint, Thor and Loki over.. and we are playing Monopoly.

Tony's POV

I've been so out of it lately.. I can't even talk to my own girlfriend... I just feel like everything that's happened in this past week is all my fault.. Bruce and Lily keep telling me that's its not, but it's all so hard to believe when I nearly killed my girlfriend. Even knowing she's going to be ok, doesn't make me feel any better.. But right now, I just need to fix her suit before Coulson kills me.

Sky's POV

Even though we are playing Monopoly, I feel really bad.. I freaked out everyone and worst Tony has been having major mental blocks right now. I love him and the last thing I want is for him to hate me out go insane -_-  So to make sure he is ok, I decide to call him..

Me: Nat!!

Natasha: Yes Sky?

Me: Can I have my phone? Please?

Natasha: *laughs* Sure! *hands phone*

Me: Thanks *smiles* Mind if I call Tony?

Natasha: Not at all.. Btw, I think he could use it.. He's been acting really weird..

Me: Oh ok, thanks..

Natasha: No problem *smiles and walks out of room*

So I called Tony..

Tony: Sky, baby, whats up?

Me: Tony we need to talk..

Tony: Oh god.. nothing good ever comes from a girl saying that.

Me: *laughs* Tony, I'm not breaking up with you.. I love you.. What I called about is.. I need you to calm down..

Tony: How can I? I almost killed you!

Me: Tony.. YOU didn't almost kill me, the suit did..

Tony: I made the suit Sky!

Me: Tony, its ok... How about this.. Even though I'm on crutches I'll come over tomorrow and we can have dinner, watch the Avengers movie and mess with Jarvis a little bit.

[Jarvis in the background: I heard that Ms. Coulson]

Me: *laughs* So, what do you say Tony?

Tony: Ok, ok you know I love each of those *laughs* Just be careful, and have Nat drive you (obviously)

Me: *laughs* Ok Tony. Now calm down and go back to work.. I'll see you tomorrow.. Love you..

Tony: Ok, ok.. I'll go back to working.. Love you too..

[Both hang up]

I guess that went ok.. I just hope by being on my crutches, Tony won't freak out tomorrow..

Authors note: So.. What do u think so far.. Sorry there hasn't been a lot of chatroomness but it will come. the next chapter FYI will not be the Skony/Ironsky date it will be a funny chapter... Ok so thanks for reading so far, I love y'all XD Now go follow me, vote and tell ur friends to read XD
        <3 <3 ~rootaboo

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