The black parade.

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Esther shakes me awake. I climb out of my sleepy stupor. "What's wrong?" My voice is thick. Esther looks positively dishevelled.

"My Lady, it's his Lordship!"

The mention of the name is like a slap on my face. I knew it I knew it I knew it. I'm awake.

"What happened?" I raise to my feet.

"His Lordship's father, he has come to visit him!"

I sigh in relief. Esther is a crazed state. What's wrong with people, seriously.

"Yes, alright, good for him. I'll come down in a moment."

"No Madam, you don't understand. He has come while you were asleep, and went to his Lordship in the garden. But his Lordship was not well, not well indeed, crying and talking to himself like he used to."

The information sinks in. Holy mother of__

"And his Lordship's father got angry, he said "It is not a proper way" and his son is sick and he wants to care for him-"

"And, what?" I'm really nervous now. She's taking too long.

"His Lordship's father has come back with doctors and he says he will take him away!"

I gasp for air. Not again. No no no. Not now. I am so bloody close.

"Come!" I say, and I head downstairs, trying not to run.

Henry meets me in the hall. He looks angry. I decide not to put him out, and act in all humility. He shakes his head at me.

"I felt bad about our last meeting. I came here to check on him. And this? This is what is going on in this house?"

All I can do is reassure him that the situation isn't what it seems to be.

"What are you talking about, Henry? Adam is just a little tired lately. He went to the garden to get some rest. I don't know what you think you've seen, but-"

"Enough, little girl, enough!" His face is red with anger and I stop short, frightened. "He is not fine!" He takes a deep breath and wipes his brow with his silk handkerchief. He grows quieter.

"He is not fine... Now, I've brought two doctors with me, and I'm taking him to St Andrew's."

"No," I say in a rather squeaky voice. "No, you can't. I'm taking care of him."

"You did what you could, Emma. Now it's my turn."


"He's my son!" He spits, but I can see anguish printed on his face.

Hell of a time to grow a conscience, I think rather angrily.

"He is my son."

I clench my fists, ready to bare teeth.

"I won't let you do this, I won't!"

He stares at me like I'm an insignificant child. "I don't care for your opinion. He's my son."

"He's my husband!"

He scoffs. "Your husband. Amen to that."

He pushes me aside to head toward the gardens. I stand in his way, grab his arm and pull it back, to no avail.

"Stay out of this, Emma. It's done." His voice is cold but his expression isn't unsympathetic. I don't understand this man. Neither can he understand me. We are utterly alien to each other.


He effortlessly pushes me into the music room, leads me to a chair on which he forces me down, and before I know it, he grabs the key that rested on the lock of the door and locks me inside.

What happened to Thomas Barrow ⎹ Downton Abbey⎹ Explicit 18+⎹ M/M⎹ Gay ♥ FanFic⎹Where stories live. Discover now