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"yeah... i totally get it, work comes first... no, no.... i'm ok i promise..."

at this moment in time, after being ditched through a phone call by her boyfriend of two years, the last thing emerson wanted was to see nick. it was on the top of her please-not-today-satan list.

also on that list: nick hearing her being ditched. so when she heard his obnoxiously loud sneeze from outside the door, steam practically blew out of her ears.

"nick, stop easedropping you fucking prick!"

"no, kyle, i wasn't talking to you... ok whatever... yeah... fine... love you too..."


"jeez, baby, that was some intense shit!"

"were you listening the entire time?"

"and i told you to quit it with the baby shit."

"maybe.. but in my defense, i'm a nosey person! it's a serious problem, em."

"no.. no.. i'm sorry, i can't call you em that's too weird. it's back to baby, baby."

"i'm at a stage now where i have to google names to call you because bitch, dick, prick and asshole don't suffice."

"aw, you spend time googling petnames for me! that's so couple goals."


"you seem stressed."

"wow, how did you figure that one out einstein?"

note carefully that it took the past four days for nick to pick up on emerson's excessive use of sarcasm and the second these words left her lips, he wore a wide grin at the fact that he identified her sarcastic tone.

he only failed to pick up on her sarcasm forty three times already.

"how about we go finish watching downton abbey and i'll even massage your feet to calm you down."

"it's taken you four whole days but you know me so damn well."

"i'll go make some popcorn. extra butter."

"i'll go find that oil i like, my feet are feeling extra dehydrated."

"a normal guy would be disgusted at that but honestly, i'm saying this without being a foot fanatic, you have really nice feet."

"aw, dickweed! you're going to make me tear up a little!"

"is that a new petname for me because i likey, baby!"

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