Random Phobias

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These are some of the stranges Phobias that I found...  

1:  Arachibutyroophobia  =  The fear of penut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth

2:  Geniophobia  =   Fear of chins

3:  Genuphobia  =  Fear of knees

4:  Hexakosioihexekontahex  =  Fear od the number  666

5:  Peladophonia  =  Fear of bald people

6:  Phalacrophobia  =  Fear of becoming bald

7:  Caligynephobia  =  Fear of beautiful women

8:  Pedophobia  =  Fear of children

9:  Coulrophobia  =  fear of clons

10:  Methyphonia  (or)  Potophobia  =  Fear of alcohol

11:  Heterophobia (or)  Sexophobia  =  Fear of the opposite sex  (gender)

12:  Gamophobia  =  Fear od marriage

13:  Teratophobia  =  Fear of bearing a deformed child (or) fear of monsters or deformed people

14:  Lachanophobia:  Fear of vegetables

15:  Phasmophobia  =  Fear of ghosts

16:  Thanatophobia  =  The fear of already being dead

17:  Phobophobia  =  Fear od phobias  (Here's my qeustion for this one...  If these people have a Fear of Phobias then why do they have a hobia of Pobias when they are afraid of Phobias...  Even though they have a Phobia?)

18:  Panophobia (or) Pantophobia  =  Fear of everything

19:  Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia  =  Fear of big words  (Here's my qeustion If these people have a Fear of big words than why is the Phobia a big huge word?)

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