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"Victor White, Oliver Grey, Lore Que, Terrence Rouge." Professor Ozpin announced on stage in front of all the students of Beacon. "Together, you form Team VOLT." He pronounced it Violet.
I clapped loudly among the students in the crowd as the four bowed.
Ozpin cleared his throat. He looked almost uneasy, only noticable in his eyes. "Natalianolae Kezzweld," he said loudly.
I tensed and quickly glanced around. People were smiling and talking - waiting. Waiting for me.
A spark of panic ignited in my chest, and then my eyes met the kind ones of Glynda Goodwitch. Her eyes stared into mine, reading my thoughts. Shed seen me panic before. Subtly, she gave me a smile, arms crossed. "Go," she mouthed.
I looked up to the stage, panic beginning to quiet. A different spark exploded in my heart as I caught the Headmaster, Ozpin, staring at me. My fear immediately disappeared, and I felt calm, and brave. Slowly, I made my way through the older kids, everyone's eyes looking to one another. Walking up the few steps, I stood where the other teams had. I looked to Ozpin, who cleared his throat. "Natalianolae Kezzweld - you alone have shown skill and courage. You form - "his golden eyes looked into mine, green and warm. I nodded slightly, smiling. He almost smiled back. "- Team N."
Murmers could be heard before loud clapping erupted throughout the hall, like it had for the other teams. It had started with the teachers, and slowly, the students began to clap. I left the stage as Ozpin called the next team up.
Glynda put a hand on my shoulder, getting my attention. "Natalia," I looked at her. "The..." she sighed. "... Ozpin wants to see you in his office in an hour. Alright?" I nodded. She smiled. "Alright," she let go.
I walked to the doors and slipped them open. I heard Ozpin announce the next team's name. "R, W, B, Y." I closed the door.

I slowly walked throughout the empty halls, humming to myself. I held my hands behind my back, smiling to myself. The sound of running footsepts behind me got me to shut my mouth. Before I could turn around, arms wrapped themselves tightly around me, scooping me into a hug. The person spun around, laughing loudly and happily. "Oh my God, Natalia! You're amazing!"
"Oliver!" Terrence ran down the hall towards me.
So that means the one hugging me is Oliver.
Oliver laughed and stopped spinning, letting me go gently. I felt dizzy after he put me down, and it took me a few seconds to return to normal. Oliver quickly turned me around, grabbing my shoulders. He was smiling wide. "You're on a team on your own! That's incredible!!" He made me smile a little. His cheeks held his usual light pink when he was overly excited. "I'm so proud of you! I could kiss you, Natalia!"
I let out a slight gasp, breathing in quickly through my nose as I felt my cheeks heat up. "Oli...ver?"
A moment after realizing what he said, his face went as red as a rose. "O-oh, w-w-wait wait wait!" He cried out, face becoming redder, if even possible. "I-I didn't mean-"
"Well well. Oliver, hitting on a girl? I mean, wow..." We both looked behind me to see Victor and Lore standing there with smirking, mischievous faces and crossed arms. Victor spoke again. "So Oliver, will you be going somewhere with her?"
Lore laughed. "Oh God, he is totally blushing! Go on then - kiss her! You said you could!"
His face heated up more. "N-no, I mean..." Terrence covered his mouth, looking away from us. He seemed embarrassed himself, cheeks red himself. I'd heard from Oliver that he doesn't do well in these situations. Oliver's eyes glanced upward. "U-um, I mean, I-I uh... I can't, I mean, I wouldn't! Cause, well, her father probably w-wouldn't like me t-to do it, a-and I-"
"And neither would I." A voice said coldly, hard as stone.
We looked to see Professor Ozpin standing behind Lore and Victor, startling the two. "P-Professor Ozpin!" Victor gasped.
Oliver's face grew pale and he quickly let go of me. "A-ah! P-Professor, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"I understand, Mr. Grey. You're just excited for young Natalia." He gestured to me. A moment later, he looked back to the boys. "Since her father is away from Beacon at the moment, I am watching over her. But for a fact, I know -" he narrowed his eyes. "- that he would not like this suddent burst of a relationship without his knowledge." His voice was harshly above a whisper. "And once again, neither would I."
They quickly nodded, apologizing, and walking off down the hall with haste.
Ozpin sighed once they were gone. He looked to me and gave a warm smile. He extended his right hand. "Alright, Nattie. Ready for some coffee?"
I smiled and nodded, taking his hand as we walked down the hall. "Thanks Ozpin," I laughed happily.
He let out a short laugh. "Hm. You know... your father loves you very much."
I took a moment. "Thank you, Ozpin. I... I know."
Warm comfort washed over me as I looked out a window on Ozpin's right. I then realized I was holding his left hand, standing on his left side. He looked to me and smiled, almost proudly. "How much you've grown... how I'm jealous of your father."
I smiled ahead of us. "No... there's no need to be. Right?"
"No... Argento wouldn't have let you onto a team by yourself. Argento wouldn't have... left me in charge of you while he's away. You're Argento's daughter - and I'm jealous of that." He said honestly.
"There's no reason to be jealous, Ozzy. He should be the one jealous. You're the one taking care of me while he's away."
Ozpin smiled at me again. "You're right, Nattie." He sighed. "You're right."

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