chapter one; new bad boy in town

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It was a typical Indiana morning, kids were running with their friends on the school yard waiting for the bell to ring, whilst the so called "big kids" were all leaning against their cars hanging out with their friends. 

Zoe Montgomery was one of those people, but without the friends part, well except her good friend Nancy Wheeler but she was now a days always busy with her lovely boyfriend Steve Harrington, or she was busy hanging out and being all secretive with Jonathan Byers. Even tho Nancy didn't admit that she had feelings for the Byers kid, Zoe knew it all along.

Zoe shook her head and took her pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, taking one out and putting it between her lips. She took her lighter out and light it up, taking a deep breath in and letting a puff of smoke out.

It was more of an sigh of relief, than anything else, but that moment was ruined by an obnoxiously loud engine revving loudly to few spaces down from Zoe's car. Her gaze turned towards the car like everyone elses did. A girl around the age of Will Byers stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut loudly. 

The person who came out of the car next had every single girl swooning, and looking him up and down. The new kids usually were not this hot, but him. Oh he was. He stepped out of the car like he already owned the place, he looked around the place and shrugged slightly. He walked towards the HHS. He was wearing denim on denim, with an white shirt.

Zoe rolled her eyes when all the girls kept swooning over him. Dropping her cigarette to the ground she looked at the watch on her wrist and started to walk towards the school cause the bells were about to ring and she had to get her books.

The hallways were filled with people but their gazes were locked on the new kid. He smiled to every girl making them feel weak at their knees, and almost faint. Zoe shook her head and opened her locker grabbing her books and slamming the door shut when the bell rang. 


School ended sooner than Zoe thought it would, the new kid was in few of her classes, and she finally learned his name, Billy Hargrove, moved from all the way from sunny California. Rumor has it that he killed someone but you'll never know, they're just rumors. 

She went to the arcade, promising to look after Dustin and Lucas for a while. Zoe stood outside the arcade having a smoke, whilst waiting for the kids to arrive to the arcade. Her gaze snapped towards a loud sound coming towards the arcade seeing Billy's car stop in front of her and the redhead, assuming his sister, stepped out of the car yelling at him and then slammed the door shut. 

Billy quickly left the parking lot making his sister flip him off, even tho he didn't see her anymore. Zoe shook her head and laughed at the girl. The redhead turned to look at her and raised her eyebrows.

"What's so funny?" She asked walking towards the girl with her skateboard in her hands. Zoe dropped her cigarette and stomped on it. "Just the way you two act. Always mad at eachother." She said and crossed her arms over her chest, even tho Zoe had only seen them today, she already guessed that was how their days normally went. Alot of yelling.

The girl shrugged her shoulders and walked into the arcade but before going inside she turned to the girl and smiled at her softly. "I'm Max, by the way." Zoe turned her head to look at the red headed girl with a slight smile. "Zoe." She said and Max nodded her head and headed into the arcade.

"C'mon then." Zoe yelled to the boys who were hiding in a bush on the other side of the road, stalking on Max. The boys quickly ran across the road and towards Zoe. "Thanks." They both said quickly and ran into the arcade. Zoe shook her head and took her backbag from the ground and wrapping the strap around her shoulder starting her long way to home.

If it was her luck it would start to rain, and as it was her luck it did start to rain after 10 minutes of walking... great.

(Not that long of an chapter but I'm just getting started y'all)


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