chapter nine; baseball bat with nails

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"I've been waiting to meet this 'King Steve', everyone's been telling me so much about." Billy yelled at Steve, making Zoe take a small step forwards on the creaky floor. "Get out." Steve said and pushed on Billy's chest softly. Billy backed away slightly with his mouth slightly ajar.

Billy..." Zoe said and took an small step forwards but before she could do or say anything else, Billy swung at Steve but Steve ducked down just in time for Billy to miss him. Steve quickly stood up after Billy's punch and send on to Billy himself, hitting him square in the face. "Yeah, beat him Steve!" Dustin yelled over the grunts of the two.

The kids kept yelling whilst Steve kept punching Billy, who only laughed but didn't punch back yet. Zoe thought too soon when Billy smashed an plate on Steve's head, making the kids 'ohh' and making faces.

"Billy!" Max yelled taking steps towards him but was stopped by Zoe taking an hold of her arm and pulling her behind her. "Stay put." She said making the kids look at her but obey her anyways, knowing that it would be a stupid idea to move from their spots and try to stop the two from fighting.

Zoe and the kids backed away when the boys moved towards the living room. Billy took fistfuls off of Steve's jacket and pulled him closer to his face. "No one tells me what to do." Billy said darkly and punched Steve, letting out an yell afterwards. The kids started to yell at Steve telling him to get up, but Billy turned him onto his back.

Billy started to punch the dazed Steve, multiply times whilst yelling. The kids kept yelling and moved towards the duo. Zoe felt something being put into her hand making her look down and seeing Max put a syringe in her hand, that was filled with some kind of an medicine.

"What is it?" Zoe asked making Max look up at her. "It makes him dazed..." She said and looked back at the two. Zoe walked quickly towards the two, plunging the needle into Billy's neck and pushing on the end of the syringe so the medicine would get out and into his system.

He got up and turned to look at Zoe who had a shocked look on her face whilst looking up at him. He then put his hand on the syringe and pulled it off of his neck, with furrowed eyebrows he looked at it and then up at Zoe.

"Babe what the hell is this?" He said and walked towards her in a sic sac kind of way, shaking his head slightly. Zoe ran towards him taking an hold of his arm when she saw him start to fall backwards. She slowly lowered him to the floor and shook her head.

"I'm sorry." Zoe said over and over again whilst Billy's eyebrows were furrowed and he was looking at her. Suddenly Max came towards the two with an baseball bat with nails on it, making Zoe get up and step towards Max.

"You will leave me and my friends alone from now on. Do you understand?" Max said whilst holding the bat over her shoulder ready. "Screw you." Billy mumbled and Max swung the bat between his legs just below his crotch area, making Billy lift his head up and look towards the bat with wide eyes.

"Say you understand." Max yelled at his older brother, making Zoe walk in front of Max and take the baseball bat out of her hands and put it on the floor. "Say it." Max said again and stepped closer to Billy making Zoe put her hands on Max' arms preventing her from moving any closer.

"Say it!" Max yelled at him, whilst his head lolled from side to side. "Max." Zoe said and pushed the girl back softly telling her to calm down by the action. "I understand." Billy mumbled to Max, making her eyebrows raise and look at him. "What?" She asked and took an step towards him making Zoe put her hand on her shoulder.

"I understand." Billy said this time louder than before. After saying that he passed out making the kids let out an sigh in relief. Zoe bit her lip and walked towards Billy, patting his pockets. She finally pulled his keys out of his front pocket and threw them to Max, who looked at them with furrowed eyebrows.

"Do what you have to do." She said and stood up again making the kids run out of the door. "Wait!" Zoe yelled at the four kids making them stop and turn to look at her. "Take him too." She said and pointed towards unconscious Steve on the floor.

The kids started to mumble but still walked back into the house and lifted Steve's body up and dragging him into the car. "Max." Zoe said before Max was about to close the door. Zoe walked towards the girl and kneeled down to her level and looked at her.

"Stay safe okay?" Max nodded her head and smiled towards Zoe. "Love you, redhair." Zoe said and pushed some of Max' hair behind her ear. "Love you too, Z." She said and wrapped her arms around Zoe's neck almost making Zoe loose her balance.

"Now go." Zoe said and let go of the girl who nodded one more time and ran towards the baseball bat taking it with her and running to the drivers side of his brothers car. Zoe closed the door and locked it and slid down it letting out and sob and waited for Billy to wake up.

This has been one heck of an night in the town of Hawkins, Indiana.

(Short chapter I know but I wanna make this book slightly longer so yeah...)

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