Scarred Bodies, Broken Promises

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I looked at G and Papyrus. They seemed happy. I grabbed a bottle of pills, the ones Papyrus needed, and slipped it into my pocket. Papyrus got up, holding my hand as I teleported us all home. Papyrus set G in bed and went back to me. I listened to him talk about how he was brave the entire time while healing him. I was deprived of all energy, but that wouldn't stop me from helping him. After I finished, he had passed out. I dragged him to the couch and set a blanket over him.

I went into my office, testing the pills. If I could get the chemical composition, I could make it for him instead of this happening again. I had to wait a few days to see what the hell was in the medicine. Over those days, Papyrus wouldn't stop thanking me for what I did and G... well I tired to keep my distance. I wasn't sure how he would react, and I knew if he found out what he did... Oh, that's right. I always forget the important things, I've got to stop doing that.

While Papyrus was gone, G was under a lot of stress. You couldn't blame him either. Everytime I tried to help, he would get mad or frustrated, and it would almost turn into a physical fight. But there was one day where he did completely lose it. It was my fault, and I don't blame him at all.

What had happened was I was on the couch, writing a few things down. G comes in, obviously pissed. I looked up at him l, concerned.

"G, are you okay...? You seem-"

"i'm fine, leave me the fuck alone." he hissed, his eyes instantly going dark.

That stung, but I've had deeper wounds.

"G, please... Let me help you..."

"I SAID I'M FINE." his magic flared up. I could feel it.

Again, i've had worse things said to me, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

"G, please... You can't-"

Let me explain how we were standing. I was in front of him and in front of the corner of the kitchen counter. He had turned around furiously, pushing me down. When I fell, my back was cut by the counter. He had pushed me hard, blinded by frustration and rage. I had a cut from the nape of my neck to my lower back. He left quickly, leaving me alone. I just stood back up and took care of the wound.

So that's what happened. And I can't bear to tell G because he's going to think he's an abusive partner and he wouldn't want to risk my well-being in any way. So I just avoid him and I now refuse to change in front of him. The cut left a scar, and I didn't want him to ask about it...

Though it seems he's starting to suspect something.

G... Since Papyrus came back, he's been a lot more gentle, sometimes even out of character level gentle. It could be from Papyrus' influence, like some sort of monster-soul-thing or whatever. He's been very clingy towards Papyrus. Like, as in, not letting his brother go out somewhere without him, not letting him do anything with sharp objects, not letting him go anywhere without him.

In any other circumstances, G being overprotective of his brother would actually be cute. But currently, it's hard for me to see him that way.... Why am I still afraid?


okay, okay, whoa.

what the hell happened the last few days?

i remember... papyrus... papyrus being gone... then... now he's back...

everything in between, i forgot. but... whatever. whatever.

it doesn't matter, everything seems alright.

i walked out of the room, and looked around. everything seemed to be normal. papyrus tackled me, and i melted into his touch. he giggled, curling around my body. i just accepted this. after all, papyrus' embrace was... rather inviting. i basked in his warmth for a while, but then was picked up out of the blue.

"Now, Brother, eat this..." papyrus shoved a pill in my face. i was about to object, not exactly wanting to swallow the world's largest pill, but when i looked up, i saw my brother's innocent, pleading expression. i let out a soft breath, then relaxed.

"...okay..." i whispered, submitting to my brother's request. i slowly took the pill, gagging it down.

"Thank you..." papyrus nuzzled my forehead. i returned the gesture, then got up.

"where's doll?" i asked, gazing into his eye sockets. papyrus opened his mouth, then paused. he looked around, confused.

"...She's out right now... but she'll be back, don't worry!" he quickly said.

i sighed, and squirmed out of his arms. i waved at him, then teleported away. i just needed to wander the streets for a bit. just to have a cigarette and calm my nerves that iv'e obtained with literally only ten fucking minutes of being awake. i hope i didn't spook papyrus by running off like that.

i lit my 'cig and slowly walked, gazing around. it was pretty calm. there was a distant sound of rain, and occasional dogs were scampering around. as long as they stayed far away from me, I'm fine with those mutts. i took a drag, then held it in. i handn't had a cigarette in a while... god damn it, if i was a human, i'd be dead by now with the amount i smoke... heheh... that's not funny.

i was standing in front of a small store, taking in the smoke when someone ran into me from behind. since i was in a rather happy mood, I moved out of their way. when they stepped out in front of me, i had to do a double take. they looked just like doll... their figure, hell, even their hands. I couldn't see their eyes behind their sunglasses and they had their hair tucked into their hood.

their voice was soft, but it sounded like doll's in a way.

"....Pardon me, I wasn't looking..."

she had a soft british accent. i couldn't tell if it really was frisk or just someone that looked like her.

"hey, can i get your name?"

she tensed and sputtered. "...E-Excuse me.. I... I have to get going..."

she turned around, some of her hair falling out of her hood.


she stopped. "....Go home, G..."

I grabbed her shoulder, turning her towards me.

"no, what are you doing out here?"

she looked away from me, hiding her face. what the hell is going on with her?

"I... I was at work...."

since when did she work in town? was she lying? why would she lie?

"where do you work?" i looked at her carefully, trying to read her facial expression. she winced slightly.

"It doesn't matter..."

"yes, it does." what was she trying to hide from me?

"I work at... it's a bar..." she seemed embarrassed. i tensed, lifting her chin up.

"what bar?"

she flinched, her voice quivering.

"...Please... don't hurt me..."

"i would never hurt you, doll..." i whispered, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

"i promise..."

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