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doll seems to be doing better. she seems happier, but it's more genuine... god, she's amazing. she keeps thanking me for helping her through the hell she doesn't deserve things she can't handle herself. and i'm happy to do it. she deserves better than me, but knowing that i can help her in some way is... refreshing.

lately, though, she seems to be a little......... irritable. she's usually patient and calm, but sometimes she would lash out at anyone for speaking to her. she keeps going into the bathroom... i check her arms when she's sleeping, but there's no cuts... is she hurting herself in another way? i couldn't bear to think that she's doing that again... i would ask her, but i'm slightly scared to do anything. but she has been asking for me to heat up my hands and put them on her stomach...

fuck, is she pregnant?! that could explain the frequent trips to the bathroom... her mood swings... the pains... we've had a lot of sex, but she couldn't be pregnant without a soul bond... what if it's not mine?! i'm not good enough for her, it wouldn't be a surprise if she did... no, she would never do that...

would she?

i sighed heavily, pulling doll's body closer to me. she was sleeping in... she never does that.. god, i don't know what i would do I'd she was pregnant.. what if she's sick? yeah, that's more likely... would i be able to help her?

she shifted, her muscles tightening. i warmed my hands and massaged her shoulders, hearing a soft moan slip her lips. i smiled warmly at the gentle noise. maybe i would ask her when she wakes up. her body moved with my hand as i rubbed her back and sides.

"...G...?" her voice was soft and husky... it was adorable.


"Could you let go, please?"

i moved my hands from her, watching as she went into the bathroom. i sighed softly and sat up. after a few minutes, she came back out. i pulled her into my lap, rubbing her stomach gently. now or never, i guess.

"doll, are you pregnant?"

she became tense, turning around to face me. "What? What makes you think I'm pregnant?"

she looked down at her stomach, rubbing it. fuck. "no, doll.. you're not fat, that's not it... you look beautiful..."

she didn't believe me. i rubbed my skull, trying to get myself out of this one. way to fucking go, g.

"you've been going to the bathroom a lot... a-and you ask me to warm my hands and place them on your stomach... i'm... er... a-are you pregnant?"

her face went from distress to... humor? she started laughing.

"N-No! I'm not... You thought..." she broke off into giggles. did i say something? she started to calm down.

"No, G. I'm not pregnant. Don't you know what happens every month?"

i relaxed and shook my head. she sighed and sat in front of me. she had that look when she was about to explain something sciencey... i love her, but there's a point in those conversations where i kiss her just to get her to stop talking so much. it's cute at first, but damn, she's too smart for her own good. and i'm not complaining, it's just my opinion... it's not like i really pay attention to what she's saying anyways... i'm an asshole, i guess, but i can't help it. she looks so cute when she talks about those things... her eyes brighten... she's so passionate about it. i guess she would be, it's almost her entire life... i'm going off-topic again, i need to fucking focus.

she looked at me patiently.

"Are you going to listen this time?"

i felt my face heat up. i knew i looked like a fucking lemon no pun intended heheh. she giggled, making my heart melt and my soul pulse. why the hell is she so cute and perfect?

"So, the female body is a fucking bitch. We, as females, have to deal with multiple weird and disgusting things."

"you're not disgusting..." i muttered in defense.

"G, I'm bleeding from my fucking vagina."

i tensed and looked at her. i was both panicked and grossed out, but mostly terrified.

"what?! why didn't you tell me, i could have helped you! you're dying, and you think it as a fucking minor inconvenience?!"

"Yes. But I'm not dying, it's like getting a bloody nose. What I'm going through is called a menstrual cycle, also known as a Period. It's the regular natural change that occurs in the female reproductive system that makes pregnancy possible..."

"...but... why do you want me to warm my hands all the time?"

she took a deep breath as if trying to simplify the answer.

"The uterus contracts in on itself, cutting off blood supply. It forms cramps, which... For me, it gets really bad... And..." she trailed off, thinking. i shuddered, thanking whatever all-powerful being there was that monsters are 90% magic.

"Imagine someone stepping on your pelvic bone and crushing it, but nothing happens. You just feel the pain over and over again."

i pulled her close to me, hugging her tightly.

"i will save you from this hell, i promise..." i whispered, keeping my voice low.

she wrapped her arms around me and sighed softly. "You want me pregnant is what you're saying?~"

"NO!" i screeched. she laughed, pulling me down to the bed.

"Thought so~" she nuzzled me gently and yawned. i pet her, sliding my hands into her pants. the sound she made as my hands warmed up... it was like music. i didn't try and make a move, i just kept my hands where they were and listened to doll's soft breathing.

doll relaxed, falling asleep again. i guess going through your period would make you exhausted... women are fucking tough, humans don't really get that. they can give birth and deal with this every month, that's fucking scary. anybody who doesn't fucking respect that is an outright asshole and deserves to burn in hell deal with this for the rest of their life.

i closed my eyes, then fell asleep, protectively curling around her.

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