§ Chapter 1 §

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Just so you know in this book you will not be a miraculous holder! AND you are not moving to Paris! Everytime i read a Chat x reader book its always the reader thats a miraculous holder or you're moving to Paris too! So thats why I do my book a little different from others!  Oh and PS: You'll might see a little Chat Blanc in this-POSSIBLY. I mean we kinda rarely see him huh?

There will be as little A/N's as possible. I know you guys become disappointed when you read a fave story of yours and you think its an update-but its just an authors note you are 99.9% likely not going to click it. But what if the author said he/she is cancelling the book or going on hiatus? Yeah, its that important! Only time you find an A/n in here is when its about the book


<(^._.^)/ Key  \(^._.^)>

y/n=yo name 

h/c=hair color

h/t=hair texture (for example, wavy, straight, fine, etc.)

h/l=hair length💇🏾

s/c=skin color💁🏻💁🏼💁🏽💁🏾💁🏿🧘🏻🧘🏼🧘🏽🧘🏾🧘🏿

e/c=eye color 👁️(ps if you wear glasses just pretend you got glasses in the story :D)🕶

f/c= favorite color

p/n=pet name



A Genie must go by their owner's orders✥ 

A Genie must never ever fall for a mortal or have any type of romantic contact with them✥ 

A Genie must never  speak of their homeland to a mortal✥ 

A Genie must grant their owner 3 wishes✥ 

A Genie must refer to their owner as 'Master' as a sign of respect✥ 

A Genie does not have the power to raise the dead, nor bring one back to life✥ 

Today was the day. Yep, its Annual Genie's Day, the day the chosen ones are promoted. When a genie turns (choose an age) they are able to go to the Genie Academy. Hundreds of genies every year are trained to be professional wish granting genies. The successful genies must have a score high enough to be able to be an actual genie.  If they pass, they are given an armlet showing their certification of being an actual Genie. If higher, they are given a special genie bottle and armlet by the genie President himself. This bottle is the genie's link between the World of Souhait and the human world. Of course every genie is going to be drowned in their ecstasy as this is the point in their lifetime where they are truly defined as a genie, joining the others, while they inspire those in training. All was in absolute glee except for one particular genie......

Your pov

"AHHHHHH *everything shakes* I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!" I sob, as my genie friends tried to comfort me. 

Star-Crossed Wishes | Adrien/Chat Noir x Genie! Reader (Two books in one)Where stories live. Discover now