§Chapter 2.8§

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Chat's pov

"So you're telling me that, the girl I saw isn't someone from Earth?" "Yes, and she found me to help her, and I have to help her save her home."

 "...Well looks like I'll have to take this on by myself for now then, I can handle it. There is more than just us two you know?" 

"Yeah..." "So what about your dad?" "....I just don't want to talk about him right now." 

"Okay, listen I understand about the whole situation, and if you want to help her, you can. I guess we just are not for each other huh?" 

"I guess yeah....Can we at least be friends?" "Of course" she smiles.


Your pov

"So basically we're going back?" Chat yawns. "Yes" Chrissy, Tiara and I say in unison. 

"But the thing is...." I trail off clapping my hands three times, as a map came up out of thin air, falling into my hands. I went to one of the four beds and spread the map out, "Here." I point with my finger as the others went around me, and Chat's curious eyes scanning the map of places he'd never known existed. 

"The Meradium is nothing but a full sea and small shore, but once you swim down more.....you see this? That's the Meradium Reef. When inside, there is a special lake there protected by a special force field." 

"Looks like someone paid attention in Location Class" Tiara jokes. "Yeah whatever. So, right here we can ask where the Reed is!"

 "Then everything will go smoothly-kind of!!" Chat says, "Well, except the part where we can't swim. We drown faster as well" Tiara sighs. "Isn't there like something-anything that will make us like breathe or swim?!" Chrissy, slumps on the bed. "What if I made a wish of something like that?" Chat asks, we all look at him. "Actually, that's a good idea!" I comment, "Y/n, you do need to be careful, once you make the wrong move as a genie, poof!" Tiara says, referring to the last time I broke a rule.

 "Right" I look down then back up at Chat. "But we need to test it out before we go to the Meradium" I say, "The hotel has a pool right?" I ask Chat. He nods, "Alright, Chrissy, Tiara, stay here, we'll be right back!" I say as Chat detransforms. 


We was on our way to the pool in our disguises, Adrien started the conversation, "She wasn't happy about what happened." 

"Oh...." "But in the end we became friends, we made a promise to not tell anyone else of what happened." "Well that's good." we make it to the pool outside. 

He made the wish and I look up at the window of our room, seeing Chrissy and Tiara watching us. Chrissy giving a thumbs up of encouragement and Tiara smacking her hand down. I look back at Adrien, who was of course disguised. We was at the edge of the pool, he sat down and dipped his legs and feet in. "I'm right here so you don't have to worry!" 

"I-I'm not sure about this! I haven't been in water since.....wait when was the last time I was in water? Is your human spit water?" I ask him, "Try dipping your feet in it." he blushes, swerving from the question. 

I dipped my big toe in the water and jerked back, "It tried to eat me!" I look at it, it did feel weird. Then I saw human males peeping at me, Adrien must've noticed. He stands in the water and reaches for my hands. "I won't let you drown, promise!" 

"You won't let the water eat me?" 

"No I won't let the water eat you" he smiles. 

I look down at the water, gulping. I slowly slipped myself in the water, as it reached to my waist. I shivered, feeling the weird substance surround me, "Woah, I-I'm doing it! I can probably fly under here!" I slip under water, not noticing I was breathing, but the marks engraved in my arms were glowing, I flew under water like I normally would fly and went up to the surface, seeing Adrien on the other side. Woah. 

I quickly went under water and went up to meet him. "That was quick! I never knew you could do that." "I never *cough* knew I could do that either-" I went into a coughing fit and recovered shortly. "I'm fine! I think I just maybe swallowed some- AHH!" I was sucked below, and found myself on the bottom of the pool, I held my breath, my feet were attached to the bottom, I could walk but not swim! My engravings were no longer glowing. Adrien swam as fast as he could to reach me, and helped me up out of the water. "Are you okay?!" he helps me sit on the edge of the pool. "I think I could only stay for a certain amount of time."

 "Well we did test it out." 

"So how are you going to swim?" I ask him.

"My kwami have different powers that allow me to be in different areas. So it's good"

 "Alright then. This is risky but it's for Souhait right?" I smile, "Right" 

 This is risky but it's for Souhait right?" I smile, "Right" 

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Happy Fourth of July to my readers from America!!!

.....i think i can forget about abs for now (^._.)

My first.....

my last......



tbh i didnot know i was this late at updating, oh my bananas. im sorry, Im so so sososososososossoso sorry :<.

Star-Crossed Wishes | Adrien/Chat Noir x Genie! Reader (Two books in one)Where stories live. Discover now