Stranger Danger

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   Today was the day. The day hell froze over. I always made fun of those who had to wear a stinky bear costume of course in my head and not aloud for that would attract attention to me, The grumpy grandpa. I made a promise to myself since I had no friends, that hell would freeze over the day I had to wear that stinky costume but yet my words were left unheard and I was suffering for that.

  I was hobbling down the school's sidewalk with the head of Clair the bear tucked under my left arm while the other was at my side ready to strike someone in the face if they say something. I passed people snickering to each other while many other teens were making out near the cars they borrowed from their parent's. While friends hoot and cheer them on.

"Kids these day's." I couldn't help but grumble. I can see some of my classmates opening their mouths to catch a conversation with me and I hurriedly passed them by. Nope. Not today, Satan. My irrational fear of socializing caused me to speed walk as much as I can with these heavy bear feet.


  I managed to seperate myself from the group of std's and teen pregnancies but I still kept walking,  well hobbling down the side walk of school. The game is supposed to start in thirty minutes and the whole field is packed with nasty snotty bodies pressed up against each other as they shouted their school's name's. It was too loud. I just needed some peace and quiet.

  When I felt far enough, I plopped down against an oak tree thats leaves were packed with red, yellow, and orange. I couldn't help but gaze up in astonishment as the bitter wind gently swayed the multi colored leaves. A weird sense of nostalgia and loneliness creeped up my spine and I couldn't help but blink back the tears.

Oh well, they lost out on the most loyal and gorgeous person, Me. Tsk, I feel bad for those suckers. Deciding it was time to go back, I rolled my shoulders back and stood up. My face scrunches up in disgust as I put the head back on.

  I tried washing it as much as I can. I even sprayed a shit ton of perfume on it but nonetheless it still stinks. I began walking forward with my shoulders back and my chest out. I can do this. I imagined Shia LaBeouf yelling out his motivational speech with annoying but entertaining Dj Khalid by his side cheering me on. When there is no one left to cheer you on, do it yourself.

  I kept walking onward even when I heard the soft patter of feet as if they are trying not to be noticed. My ears perked when I heard the soft rumble of an engine. Thats when I booked it the fuck outta there. Well, tried to.
My feet started taking off at speed i didn't think was possible but the weight of the costume caused me to slow down. The sound of boots pounded against the ground. Relentlessly chasing me.

  Scream, dumbass!

Just as I tried to pull off the head to scream since everything i says sounds like mutters in this damn thing, I am pulled up into the air by my waist and hoisted on a shoulder with a small umph. By now my fight or flight instinct kicked in and I already tried flight but that didn't work so fight it is.

I pulled my body forward as rough and fast as I could and I could feel this strangers body falling backwards. We hit the ground and he groans. Quickly I hopped up on feet and socked the stranger in the face as hard as I could with these damn bear hands. He landed back on the floor with a curse and I kicked again in the groin for good measures.

I backed away from him and tried to yank off the head but to no avail it didn't even budge. I pulled as fast and hard as I can when I realized that I shouldn't have left Dane alone with Clair the bear. He put glue on the fucking buttons that's why there was a mysterious chemical smell that or it was something else that caused the scent.

  My focus was brought back when a fist came flying to my face my reflexes were fast enough and dodged it easily. I jumped back and got into fighting position with the boy in front of me. I couldn't really see shit with this head on probably only big details. Like that this dude is wearing all black and is laughing at me.

  "What the fuck, man!?" My words only came out in soft mumbles even with me practically screaming. He laughed even harder as I tried to flip him off. This costume is gonna give me heat stroke if I don't get out of it soon. Sweat poured down me, soaking my shorts and spaghetti top.

  I decided enough was enough and springed on him. Me and him landed on the floor and rolled around trying to throw hits in. I roll us over so that I was on top and let my fluffy fists rain down on him like it was hailing.

He bucked himself up from the floor and rolled me onto my back only I wasn't having it. I kicked him in the stomache and threw him off of me. I got up immediately and eyed him as we both seemed ready to strike. I ran towards him with a "roar" and he did the same. Since he was bigger than me, he tackled me to the ground and threw a few punches but I couldnt feel shit from this thick head blocking my way. I pull my knee up hard and he let go of me enough for me to get free and put him in a choke hold. I held on tight for a few seconds before I felt something hard hit my head. My hand let go of him and I stumbled away from his gasping form. I only could make out a few words before I hit the ground.

  Great. Just fucking great.

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