1: The Downfall Of An Empire

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(So, as you all know from the description, this is a prequel to my story Lucifer's Feelings Are Out Of Control. As I am writing this, I have not yet started to edit said story ^^. But yeah, I hope you enjoy this story teaching you all about our precious little villains. Hope y'all enjoy and be sure to comment! Until later...)

Year: 1830
Month: May
Day: 20th

"Boys!" Mavon Whishling shouted up the stairs at his sons. Malvo Whishling calmly appeared behind his father, hands fiddling with his dress shirt. Malvo huffed and dropped his hands as his father gave him a stern look.

"I don't understand the point of this," He mumbled and Mavon gave his son yet another stern look.

"You should know very well by now why we are doing this." Malvo sighed and looked away from his father's intimidating stare. Now, Mavon Whishling is a large bearded man with electric blue eyes and broad shoulders. He was rather an intimidating man, someone who would look at you once and strike fear. 

"What can possibly be taking him so long?" Mavon growled, looking up the stairs again. Mallory Whishling stepped into the room and took her husband by the arm.

"Mave, calm down, sweetie. It's Maxlar, what do you expect?" Mallory, unlike her intimidating, loud, and quite.. well... temperamental husband, her voice was soft and calm. She's a small woman, not one to be seen picking fights. 

"Yes, but he's taking plenty long enough. MAXLAR!" Mavon grumbled before shouting for his older son. Maxlar appeared downstairs, frowning.

"No." He snapped, still dressed in his usual cloak and not at all dressed nicely. Mallory sighed, frowning slightly at her eldest son. Mavon's face quickly went to a crimson shade of red.

"Maxlar... Get dressed. Now." Mavon darkly muttered and Maxlar frowned bigger at him.


"Maxlar, listen to your father." Mallory raised her eyebrows and Maxlar sighed, heavily rolling his eyes before snapping his fingers.

"I'm not happy about this, just so you know."

"Yes, we know." Malvo snapped and Maxlar stuck his tongue out at him.

"Boys." Mavon threatened and Maxlar sheepishly ducked his head.  He grimaced as he flinched suddenly.

"Maxxie?" Mallory asked, walking over to him. Mavon frowned and looked over at Malvo as if he knew the answer. Malvo shrugged, clearly clueless as well. 

"Maxxie, dear, what's wrong?" Mallory muttered as she approached her son. Maxlar shuddered before suddenly hugging her tightly.

"Mommy, make it stop. The voices scare me." He whispered, tightly clutching the back of her dress. She shushed him, rubbing his back in small circles.

"What's wrong?" Mavon snapped, seemingly angry, but merely worried for his son. Malvo slipped into the shadows, baby blue demon eyes covering his entire green human eyes.

"I can hear these voices... They scare me... And I get confused... I don't like them, Mom." Maxlar sobbed, still tightly holding onto his mother as if she were his life. 

"It's okay, Maxxie. They're just voices, no reason to be afraid." Mallory managed to pry her son off long enough to wipe his face free from his tears. (okay at this point I can't even life) He frowned and took a deep breath, regaining his normal cocky composure. Mallory sadly frowned at him and he smiled softly at her.

"You scare me sometimes, Maxxie." Mallory whispered, looking her older son in his neon purple eyes. Maxlar nodded and smirked again.

"I scare everyone." He chuckled and Mallory sighed, not wanting to admit it was true.

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