15: Half A Villain, Complete Sign of Love

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(*deep breath* Basically this explains that flashback with that kid earlier... And some other things... and this is also kinda cuing my death scene. *nods* Ya heard me, I die. Like emotionally this kills me. And this is purely a flashback nothing takes place present time for the plot. Anyways, enjoy/comment! Until later...)

Maxlar smiled down at Andrea, purple eyes finally soft and not cold. She leaned into his embrace, closing her eyes with a faint smile. Maxlar gently placed a kiss on her temple before resting his temple against hers.

"I love you, my precious little Lily Flower." He whispered and she smiled.

"I love you too, my special villain." Maxlar smiled, slightly tightening his hug from behind her, strong arms wrapping around Andrea's thin frame tightly. Almost as if she were his lifeline. 

"Wah bou' me?" A little boy around the age of five looked up at Maxlar and Andrea. Maxlar chuckled before leaning down to pick him up.

"Hey, Daddy?"


"Is Uncle Devon coming?" Maxlar chuckled slightly.

"I don't know. We'll see, Sebastian." Sebastian huffed, adorably pouting. Maxlar smiled and fake pouted back at him. Andrea chuckled, smiling fondly at her husband and son.

"Why is my name S-s-s..." Sebastian frowned, struggling to pronounce his own name. 

"Sebashian?" Maxlar laughed and Andrea shook her head, still smiling.

"That was the name of your great grandfather." Andrea replied and Sebastian nodded.

"Oh. But why is it so hard to say?" Maxlar sighed, chuckling slightly.

"Why don't we just call you Bash? Is that easier?" Sebastian nodded.

"I think it makes me more adorable." Maxlar titled his head back, laughing as Andrea simply shook her head.

"What's this?" Bash asked, pointing at Maxlar's green dragon tattoo. Maxlar sat down, setting Bash on one his legs.

"In my family, we had this tradition that when siblings come of age, the eldest gets to pick their sibling symbol." Bash cocked his head.

"The symbol meant, oh this is a Whishling or Dravionic."

"What are those?"

"Dravionics were another elite Midnight Death Crawler family."

"Is that what you are, Daddy?" Maxlar smiled before nodding at his son.

"And this dragon represents the bond to my brother. It represents the call to risk my life to save him." Bash nodded, frowning slightly, or as much as a five year old boy can frown.

"What happened to your brother?" He asked and Maxlar inhaled deeply.

"I sometimes wish I no longer have this mark. I failed."

"Failed what?" Bash innocently asked and Maxlar sadly smiled at him.

"I failed to protect him." Maxlar whispered and Andrea came over to sit next to him. He smiled at her, but it was tired and forced, filled with misery and despair. Bash suddenly wrapped his little arms around Maxlar's neck.

"I sorry, Daddy." He whispered and Andrea softly smiled at him. Maxlar hugged Bash back, purple eyes lost in thought.

"All right, come on, Bash, time for bed." Maxlar muttered after a minute or so. Bash whined, crossing his arms adorably and pouting. His soft gray eyes glinted in the light as Maxlar stood back up, still holding him in his arms.

"Maybe if you behave well enough, Dad will tell you another story." Maxlar whispered and Bash's gray eyes shone.

"I like stories." He smiled and Maxlar chuckled, returning the smile.

"But you have to be good. Come on, let's go get ready for bed."


Maxlar sighed slightly, rubbing his eyes. The familiar creature jumped on the bed with him, glaring at him in the darkness. His schizophrenia was bad in that moment, and the little thing he sees in moments like that didn't surprise him. Rather, he returned the dirty look, muttering a curse in the language of Midnight Death Crawlers.

"Go away, Dinthie." He mumbled quietly. Maxlar glanced over at the sleeping figure of his beloved wife as she stirred slightly.

"Max? Are you okay?" Andrea sleepily mumbled. Maxlar softly and weakly smiled at his lightly sleeping wife.

"It's nothing. Just can't seem to sleep." He whispered back and she turned to face him.

"Are you sure?" He nodded before softly kissing her forehead.

"I'm sure. Go back to sleep." She nodded sleepily before lying her head back down, interlocking her slim fingers with his. Shortly afterwards, their bedroom door opened and Bash came running in.

"Daddy. Daddy. Daddy." He whispered loudly, tugging on the sheets. Maxlar sat up again, helping his little son onto the bed.

"What? Your mother's asleep." He whispered back and Bash nodded.

"I had a bad dream." Maxlar placed a kiss on the top of Bash's head comfortingly.

"Can I stay here?" He whispered and Maxlar sighed slightly.

"I guess, just don't wake your mother."

"I never fell back to sleep." The soft mumbling came from Andrea. Bash giggled slightly, covering his mouth with his hands. Maxlar rolled his eyes, but he was softly smiling.

"Can you tell me the story now?" Bash asked, situating himself in between his parents. Maxlar looked down at him, thinking.

"I guess. What do you wanna hear about?" He replied and Bash frowned in thought.

"What about your mommy, Daddy?" Maxlar made a small noise, suddenly lost in thought. 

"I don't think Daddy wants to talk about that, baby. Maybe some other time." Andrea whispered and Bash nodded, bottom lip sticking out adorably. Maxlar smiled softly.

"It's fine. My mom's name was Mallory. And oh she was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as your mother," Andrea smiled, resting her head on her propped up arm, other arm wrapped around Bash, "And I loved her. She was sweet and soft but if you made her angry, well, that was scary. Especially when my brother and I were younger. And she was there for me. My father, well, he acted more of a monster than I do. He had no trace of good in him, whatsoever. Except when it came to my younger brother. In Father's eyes, Malvo could do no wrong. He was the perfect son, not a mistake like that other one." Maxlar spat, resenting his brother for one reason and one reason only: their father favored Malvo.

"My father never treated me like his own son. I was a disease, according to him. But my mother, she was different. She told me I was a special Midnight Death Crawler. That I would change the name one day. And my mom, she... She was the only one who ever loved me. My brother, well, he didn't express emotions, but I knew he cared. But it wasn't the care my mother had for me. And sometimes I miss her, really bad. And you know, sometimes I even blame my father for her death." Maxlar nodded, tears springing into his purple eyes. His schizophrenia creature, promptly nicknamed Dinthie, hissed and mocked fake crying.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." Bash whispered, hugging Maxlar.

"I love you, Bash. And I never want to become like my father and I hope, if I do, you'll forgive me unlike how I cannot forgive mine."

"I promise, Daddy."

(And. I. Fucking. Died. The story Maxlar tells is what really got me. What about you guys? Hope y'all enjoyed and are looking forward to what comes! Until later...)

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