9: To Win Them Back

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(This. Chapter. Will. Be. Freaking. Epic. That is all. Dedicated to @elenia101 for her amazing support and love! Enjoy/comment! Until later...)

Maxlar ignored Dot the next few days. He seemed distant and snappish. Maxlar, often times when he was around Dot, would randomly flinch more and more often, insanity slowly taking over the smirk in his purple eyes. He would randomly choke up or start crying. And it wasn't a silent cry, it was full blown ugly sobbing.

However, Dot soon learned why. And not the easy way...


Dot casually was dancing along to Fall Out Boy as she cooked a small meal for herself one night. The rain that day had finally stopped and Maxlar was nowhere to be seen. 

"Everyone thinks you're okay. But you're not. You never where. They think after losing each person you'll be fine. That's cause you seem strong, and you act like emotions don't bother you. But your emotions tend to scream louder than the voices in your head. So you're more than not okay. You're destroyed, an imperfect little nobody that loses everyone close to him. But you think you deserve all that pain. You think it was right to have the people you love the most slip right from your fingers. People tell you otherwise, but you call them liars. You distance yourself and you let yourself break down inside. And no one seems to notice and you don't seem to care. But you care and you feel dead inside without any of them." Maxlar ranted, standing in her living room. His throat was tight and his fists were clenched. Dot turned down the music and carefully stepped forward.

"Max, you okay?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Do I look okay? Do I sound okay?" He snapped bitterly, and Dot shook her head.

"What's wrong?" Maxlar sighed, barely nodding his head distantly. He flopped onto the couch, exhausted.

"Tomorrow is when we bring Malvo back." Dot froze and looked over at Maxlar.

"Did you say we?" Maxlar shrugged.

"Might as well let you join. You have good taste in music." He muttered and she chuckled slightly.

"I am debating whether or not I should thank you for not killing me." Maxlar looked over at her and cocked an eyebrow. 

"Take that as a good thing. Last time I didn't kill an annoying person, he ended up being a very good friend." Dot chuckled but stopped, frowning.

"Was it that Devon the dragon dude?" Maxlar nodded and Dot clapped her hands together.

"So why are we waiting until tomorrow?" Maxlar waved her off and muttered something in gibberish.

"Okay then."


It was the next day, December 20th. Maxlar and Dot appeared at a small, dirty cottage. Maxlar pulled the stone and scroll out from his pocket. He handed the scroll to Dot before uncovering a thin bladed, purple sword.

"Here, um... give me the scroll back and here's the sword." Dot hesitantly took the sword from him while giving him a weird look.

"What do I do with it?" She asked and Maxlar rolled his eyes.

"Soon as I nod at you, hit the stone with the sword." Dot nodded slowly as Maxlar cleared his throat and began reciting what was on the paper. To Dot, is was pure gibberish, but to Maxlar, it was the language of Midnight Death Crawlers. A terrible guttural sound mixed with eerie hissing.

Maxlar finished and nodded at Dot, who then raised the sword and hit the stone with it. The stone shattered, knocking both Dot and Maxlar off balance. Dot fell to the floor with a small shriek and Maxlar sighed.

"Well that was dramatic." A cool voice filled the room from behind them. Dot froze and Maxlar started to smile.

"Then again, did I expect anything else from you? What on earth am I wearing? What year is this?" The voice snapped and Maxlar turned around. 

"Welcome to the year 2017, where an orange is president and the LGBT community is starting to rule." Maxlar grinned and the other shook his head.

"Oh brother." He muttered, still looking at the blue gray dress pants and matching coat. The white tee shirt underneath had streaks of green in it. Maxlar started laughing before tackling him.

"Oh I missed my baby brother so fucking much!" Maxlar shouted while squeezing Malvo. The demon's eyes flicked over before perfectly kicking Maxlar in the shin.

"Ow, that hurt!"

"One, language. Two, get off. Three, who is that? Four, what is going on?" Malvo asked and Dot chuckled nervously. 

"Okay, too many questions."

"I'm Dot, by the way." Dot waved slightly before handing the sword to Malvo.

"Thank you."

"Be proud, I made another friend." Maxlar grinned and Malvo rolled his eyes.

"Why are you so weird?" Malvo muttered and Maxlar shrugged, smirking slightly. Malvo looked around, eyes narrowed slightly.

"So, what did I miss?"

(Well, you get to find out next chapter. That was fun, right? Right? Yay happiness! Ignore that angst from the beginning, it meant nothing. *shakes head* *grins evilly* Evil plans from master of feels shall rule the world one day. Until later...)

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