18: Unlock A Mystery and Reveal The Villain

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(*grins* Major. Reveal. T'is all. Hope y'all enjoy/comment! Until later...)

Devon, Dot, and Malvo arrived where Maxlar had called them to. He was beaten bloody, holding his side as he leaned against a tree stump.

"Maxlar? What the hell happened to you?" Dot asked as she ran up to him. Maxlar shrugged, waving her hands away from his face.

"I'm fine. But, I don't know how much longer those bonds are going to keep Brevier tied down." Maxlar snapped before gesturing to a tree close by. Brevier grunted, struggling against the iron chains dangling him from the tree branch. Malvo and Dot started to laugh as Devon merely shook his head.

"All right, let's banish him." Devon said while walking over to Brevier.

"Oh but, surely I can say something before then, right?" Brevier smirked after he dropped to the ground, free from the chains. Devon snarled, shifting into dragon form to keep him pinned to the ground.

"Maxlar, you can get your revenge. You don't always have to be alone in the pain you feel. There is a way to make a villain just like you feel your pain." Brevier choked and Devon morphed back into human.

"What do you mean?" Malvo snapped and Brevier nodded at Maxlar.

"He knows what I'm talking about." Brevier smirked and Maxlar continued quietly glaring at him.

"Shut up." He snapped and Brevier shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine. But heed this, 'War breaks out and takes all. But gives something when the right love for the darkest is found. Now this love is not of romance, but one that is almost fatherly. The darkest can choose whether or not to accept his love, and if accepted, war will break out and dark shall step into day and day shall wither away. If not accepted or forgotten, light crushes the dark and stops the war.' Have fun, Maxlar, finding someone to share your pain." Brevier smirked before Devon hit him.

"Can we just banish this asshole before he does anything else?" Devon growled and Dot nodded in silent agreement. Malvo frowned at her, noticing she was pale and shaky, yet she didn't return the look.

"Devon, you sure you're okay with staying there and keeping an eye on him?" Maxlar asked, concern lacing his voice. Devon shrugged, avoiding Maxlar's cold stare.

"Oh, come on, I'm not some child that needs to be babysat." Brevier snapped and Maxlar glared at him.

"Like I'm going to trust you in there by yourself." He spat and Brevier rolled his eyes.

"Oh, bite me." He mumbled and Malvo rolled his eyes.

"Can we just banish him already?" He muttered and Maxlar nodded.

"I don't think it'll be as easy as you boys think." Brevier smirked before morphing into his dragon. Devon snarled, morphing as well. Maxlar muttered a curse to himself, backing off from the suddenly huge dragons standing before him. Malvo's demon eyes flicked over as he glared up at the winged beasts, while Dot stood there, sweating and swaying on her feet, unnoticed.

"Now what?" Malvo called over to Maxlar as the two dragons began a vicious fight. Maxlar merely shrugged, watching them carefully.

"We risk hurting Devon if we try to constrain him!" Maxlar called back, ducking as a thick blue dragon tail swiped over his head.

"Who cares about hurting him too?! He can step on you and not feel a thing!" Malvo shouted at his brother, ducking Brevier's tail. Maxlar shrugged before glancing around quickly.

"All right! We can still banish him and Devon at the same time!" Maxlar shouted and Malvo scoffed.

"I thought you were against banishing him, too!" 

"I don't want to squashed to death by my best friend, Mal! Desperate times call for desperate measures!" Malvo shrugged before having to jump back to avoid a dragon foot. Dot stumbled away from the fight, hand holding the side of her head slightly.

"Dot?! You okay?!" Malvo called over to her. She dismissed it with the wave of her hand before collapsing to the ground. Maxlar looked over at her as Malvo appeared at her side. But it was a mistake. Before he could drop the last thing necessary for the banishment spell, a brown, scaled tail hit him several yards away. The glass container shattered and the contents quickly soaked into the grass.

"DAMMIT!!" Maxlar shouted, struggling to stand. A monstrous roar erupted from Brevier as he suddenly took off, hitting Devon back as he did so. The massive blue dragon growled as his wing was crushed beneath his massive size.

"Devon!" Maxlar shouted as Devon transformed back into his human state. He winced while rolling over to stand back up.

"I'll chase him down. It'll take me a while, but I'll get there."

"You just broke your fucking wing! You're not going off to fight Brevier on your own!" Maxlar argued and Devon suddenly turned him around.

"Dot is more in need of attention than I am. So I suggest you leave it to the only one who can actually stand a chance against Brevier and take care of your little sister?" Devon snapped, a slight growling masking his normally light tone of voice. Maxlar opened his mouth to reply but Devon's strong glare silenced him.

"Do it, or I eat you." Devon snapped before stomping off in the direction Brevier flew off in. Maxlar walked over to Dot's unconscious body and his younger brother.

"Something's not right." Malvo mumbled, demon eyes flicking over his green human ones. Maxlar nodded silently before picking her up.

"We can't do anything to help her."

"So what are we going to do?" Malvo asked while standing.

"Take her to a hospital." Maxlar replied tiredly.

"She lied to us, you know. She said she was fine, that she was actually getting better." Malvo muttered and Maxlar nodded.

"I know."

"What happens if she doesn't make it?"

"She'll make it. She's a Whishling, we always find a way."

(And I finally found out how to do this chapter right. Yay me. So, what'd y'all think? See/remember any Lucifer's Feelings Are Out Of Control references in here? Lemme know if ya did. Welp, hope y'all enjoyed! Until later...)

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