•chapter nineteen•

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Chapter Nineteen; Mistakes

I wake up the next morning with a pleasant smell in my room. I sit up and immediately see a vase full of a dozen roses on the dresser across from my bed with a card.

I put on my slippers and walk over the the dresser and read the card:

Dear Ashley
I cannot apologize enough for putting you through all this. You're a very smart girl so you can understand why my trust is very wavering. Just put yourself in my situation. We'll talk about your 'shinigami eyes' privately after I let Light go. I love you.

I smile and walk downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast with Ryuzaki, Light, and Misa.

"Your hair!" Misa gasps.

Shrugging off her comment, I sit next to her and across from Ryuzaki. The silence is almost as awkward as Light staring at me.

"So... When are you two going to go your own ways?" I ask Ryuzaki and Light.

"When I'm sure he is not Kira." Ryuzaki tells me and I groan.

Light smirks, "Why? You want him all to yourself?"

I blush silently as Misa giggles, "We all know there's something going on between you two."

"Well she is my girlfriend." Ryuzaki says.

"I knew it! Aki is always staring at him and when he talks to her he sometimes actually smiles!"

"W-What?" Light stutters. "Since when?"

"Did you not hear our conversation last night?" Ryuzaki tilts his head head to the side. "Or were you too busy drooling over her?"

I let out a little laugh at Ryuzaki's comment.

"I was not!"

"Yes you were."

"I swear Ryuzaki..." Light grabs him by the shirt.

"Hey!" I raise my voice. "Not now. We're all hungry.

Light lets go of Ryuzaki's shirt after glaring at him.

After breakfast I head to the roof. The sky is dark and I can see a rainstorm in the distance and lean against the railing.

"Lawley or Ashliet?" Quart asks out of now where.


"You and your boyfriend's couple name. A mix between both of your first names."

"For being hundreds of years old you truly act like at thirteen-year-old child." I laugh at Quart. "You are like that best friend I always wanted but the annoying asshole that I could strangle at the same time. "

Before he can respond I feel a few drops of rain on my head before it starts pouring raining.

"This is giving me a very violated feeling." Quart says as the rain goes through him.

I laugh but quickly contain myself as I see Ryuzaki and Light standing at the window. Light becons me to come in but I wave him off.

The rain is calming despite how fast and hard it's falling. It makes me relaxed which is what i need because of how my life has been lately.

Dating the world's best detective who's hunting you down as well as your criminal partner is not just a little stressful. I'm asking for a death wish with all of this.

The notebook is going to be found and Quart will be discovered and I will be executed by my own boyfriend.

Ryuzaki opens the door and walks out to the edge of the cover, "You're going to get sick."

"I'll be fine." I yell over the rain.

Despite Light's protests, He comes out in the rain and grabs my hand to drag me inside. Once inside he sits me down on the staircase.

"I was fine Ryuzaki!" I fuss him. I shake his arm off of me and storm to my room.

I pace back and forth in my soaking wet clothes.

"He was just caring about you." Quart tells me.

"I don't need to be watched every minute of every day." I argue with him.

"Well ever since you admitted to having shinigami eyes you're very suspicious. If you were a shinigami, right now all of the others would laugh at you for being so dumb and weak-"

"Very motivating. Thanks."

"You didn't let me finish." He sighs. "You're not dumb at weak. No normal person can keep things cool like you've been."

"Wise words coming from you, Quart." I smile.

"I may seem to joke around a lot, but when it comes to people I care about, I protect them."

He cares about me?

A god of death cares about me?

"Thank you."

He smiles back with his sharp teeth.

I take a deep breath in and close my eyes but the spring back open and I realize something.

"Shit." I whisper. "The cameras!"

"Oh my god. You're an idiot." Quart tells me.

"Yeah I know that. I'm an idiot for several things. I'm an idiot for taking up this job. I'm an idiot for being a detective. I'm an idiot for loving Ryuzaki. I'm an idiot for kissing life. I'm a pure idiot."

I groan in frustration after my personal rant and grab some jeans and a sweatshirt to change into.

I start changing in the bathroom as I hear my bedroom door open. When I finish I come out to see Ryuzaki and Light.

"I'm guessing your here because you watched all of that." I laugh pathetically.

Ryuzaki stays silent as Light speaks, "I'm am so sorry about that kiss. It just happened. I was overwhelmed with lust. It was stupid."

"It's okay..." I tell him and face Ryuzaki. "I'm sorry Ryuzaki. I was mad for no reason. I've know you've been on edge and busy with the case and I'm not helping any of it."

"You've been a big help." He says quietly.

"I think it's best for me to leave."


"I'm leaving. I'm sorry. I'm more of a problem than you think. If you found out, you'd hate me and maybe even kill me. It's like I'm asking for a death wish by being here. I'm sorry Ryuzaki."

I grab laptop bag and phone and walk out the room.

I'm sorry.

edited june 18 2016

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