Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Where's L?" I ask as soon as I walk in. He appears from around a corner. Matt, Near and Mello look over. L steps in front of my and puts his hands on my waist and kisses me. I sadly pull away.

"Don't overreact." I say as I pull out my death note. His eyes widen. "I didn't write anything in it so just touch the damn thing."

He reaches out a touches it. The others come over and do the same.

"Why do you have one again?" Mello asks.

"I don't know! I was at home talking with my sister and when she left I went upstairs and it was just sitting there! Just let him explain."

Quart explains, leaving out the part about Light wanting, no...needing to marry me.

Near speaks, "So you are the daughter of a shinigami and a human? So why don't your siblings own your powers also?"

"I don't know!" I say. This is a lot to take in for me.

"Has your mom ever told you anything?" Mello asks..

"No. This must of been the reason she brought me to Wammys."

"So you are the shinigami princess..." Lawliet says, nibbling on his thumb.

"Lets just talk about this tommorrow. It's late and not all of us have insomnia." Matt says, looking at Lawliet.

Everyone goes to their rooms and Lawliet follows me to mine, more of ours now. I change into sweatpants and a bra while Ryuzaki sits at my desk, typing away on his computer while sitting next to the death note. I lay down on my bed but I can't sleep. It's not because I'm not tired, I have a lot in my mind. My dad adores Light, the very Light that nearly killed me.

"Can't sleep?"

I look over and see Lawliet turned around in his chair facing me.


We sit in silence until I speak again, "What if I go to the shinigami realm and talk to my dad and Light?"

He looks shocked, "How are you going to get there? You don't have the wings."

"I can bring her." Quart tells Lawliet. "I can carry her while I fly."

"Let's go." I tell him. "Now."

"No..." Lawliet says, standing up.

"I have to do this."

I get up and walk to him. "I love you."

(AN: sorry if anything past this sucks, wattpad deleted the rest -.-)

I climb in Quart's back I between his wings and he brings me to his- our realm. Into nothingness.

The ground looks like it's full of ashes and everywhere I see shinigamis. They are alone or gambling it looks like. Quart sets me down on the grass and it smells like ash and fire, no pun intended. They have a few dead tree trunks around about every twenty feet and surrounding it on the ground, apples, which look like black bell peppers. Quart and I walk to a building, they only one in sight when something stops us.

"What is she doing here? You can't bring a human into this world!" a shinigami says.

"Relax Sido." Quart says. "She is the daughter of the king."

"So the legends are true..." Sido mutters to himself. "I'm sorry for the trouble." He walks away.

Quart and I countinue until we reach the door of the building, where two shinigami stand. They block our path.

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