Billy Hargrove Imagine- Mysterious Boy

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Okay, so here is the Billy Hargrove imagine from my Tumblr. I tried change him up a little a make him more charming rather than douchey. I understand his character is supposed to be antagonistic and that is why I tried to change him a little to fit my narrative. I hope you all enjoy this! Feel free to send in requests if you have any.

Warnings: Sexual innuendoes/references, mild language, and mild violence

*Any type of abuse is a serious thing whether it be child or spousal. If anybody is in a situation where they are under these same conditions I urge you to get help immediately. No one should ever be getting or ever get abused.*

The obnoxious sound of your alarm rang through your ears pulling you from your slumber. You quickly shut off the ringing and rolled out of bed heading straight to the bathroom. Your morning routine was pretty simple; brush teeth, blow out hair, get dressed, then out the door to head to school. Once you finished your hair, you slipped into a tight pair of high waist jeans, your Ratt tour T-shirt and leather jacket, and high-top sneakers. You took one quick glance in the mirror before heading out to your 1984 Corvette. Tossing your backpack into the passenger seat, you started the engine and were off.

By the time you arrived, the parking lot was already pretty full making it hard to find a spot. After circling the lot a couple of times, you finally pulled into one. You grabbed your bag and got out of the car. Before you could even shut your door, a blue Camaro whipped into the spot next to you nearly hitting you. "What in the hell?" you said to yourself as a little red headed girl quickly exited the passenger side. She paid no attention to your angry demeanor as she whizzed by you on her skate board. When the driver side door opened you could hear "Round and Round" by Ratt blaring throughout the car. The anger you were once feeling changed to curiosity when you saw the driver step out of the car. His broad shoulders filled in his jean jacket and his tight jeans hugged his hips perfectly. You hadn't realized you were staring until you made eye contact with him. With a cigarette hanging casually from his lips, he raised his eyebrows at you. You cleared your throat, "I like that song." He took a puff from his cigarette and glanced down at your shirt. Sending you a charming smirk he replied, "I like that shirt." A warm blush crept onto your cheeks as he held your gaze. You gave him a small smile before briskly turning around and heading to the school building. When you were a few feet away you glanced over your shoulder to see him still staring after you.

Throughout the first half of your day, you couldn't pay attention to anything. The encounter with that mysterious boy kept playing over and over in your mind. You had never seen him before, yet his immaculate image was stuck in your head. His strong figure leaning up against his car, his dazzling blue eyes fixated on you, and the way his round lips hung onto his cigarette. You sighed to yourself before the lunch bell rang yanking you from your thoughts. Exiting the classroom, you made your way to your table under the large oak tree in the courtyard. You weren't popular and really didn't have any friends. Most of the time you sat alone at your table with your Walkman, but that didn't bother you any. Today, however, just when you pulled out your Walkman a shadow was cast over you. Your eyes moved slowly over those familiar jeans and sculpted chest until they fell into contact with his breathtaking blue orbs. A coy smile was playing on his lips as he stood looking down at you. His gaze was enough to send your heart racing. He looked down at the spot in front of you, "Is this seat taken?" Unable to formulate a full sentence, you simply shook your head and responded with "Mm-mm." Biting his bottom lip, he took a seat and leaned forward onto his arms. "So," he began, "what's your name beautiful?" Heat traveled from your neck to your cheeks allowing a crimson color to set in. His eyes never left yours making your insides spin. Breaking his gaze, you looked down at your wringing hands on the table. "Y/N. Yours?" You answered shyly. From your peripherals, you could see that alluring smirk sitting on his full lips again. "Billy." He said before asking, "Why is such a pretty girl sitting over here all alone?" A small laugh escaped you before you looked up to him and said, "I'm not alone. You're here aren't you?" Billy let out a soft chuckle, "I guess you're right." He dropped his eyes for a quick second, biting his lip, before raising them to meet yours again. "What are you doing tonight?" He asked bluntly. You were taken aback by how forward he was. As you opened your mouth to answer, the bell ending lunch rang sending throngs of teenagers back to class. You sat for another moment under Billy's anxious stare before gathering your things and standing up. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched you begin to walk away. "Hey wait," he shouted, "you never told me what you were doing tonight." You sent him a smug smile, "I guess you'll never know." You winked before sauntering off towards the building.

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