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Simon danced through the kitchen. The wings of the large chicken stretched wide in his hands as he moved slightly out of time with the rhythm. As the song thumped to an end, Simon placed the naked raw bird in the sink and gave it a good washing. Augusta walked in as he was cutting a piece of twine. She set her purse and keys on the breakfast bar before she went to stand next to her husband.

“Your skill with twine and rope is so beautiful.”

Simon finished binding the legs and wings of the bird then looked at the woman at his side. Her eyes, bright now that the day’s fatigue was forgotten, were focused on the twine and knots that held the raw flesh of the chicken tight. Her lips parted as her breath ran past them. He smiled knowing where her thoughts had taken her.

“What is beautiful here is you Augie my love.”

He leaned into her and placed a kiss in the soft junction of her neck and jawbone. “Go freshen up and I’ll be up shortly with something for you to drink. Do you want red or white?”

“Red please. When you come, will you bring the twine?” she watched for his answer and when he nodded yes, Augusta went up the stairs and into their bedroom.

Later that night Simon woke with a strong need to empty his bladder. After he was able to disentangle himself from Augusta, he rushed to the bathroom. Nature’s call answered and the toilet seat back down, he washed his hands then returned to bed. Simon pulled his wife into his body as he laid back in the bed and smiled as she snuggled close. His hand stroked through her hair and he almost laughed when he realized she’d not wrapped it up. She would be upset when she got up for in the morning.

“You kept me from finishing dinner,” he murmured into her hair. “But three hours of uninterrupted time with you was worth it.”

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