The Little Princess

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Tiptoe quietly her mother had said.

The little princess hurried down the steps, careful not to let the passing guards see her quiet feet scurrying by. Reaching the railing, she grasped the edge and carefully hoisted herself over, silently dropping onto the level below. Leaping she grabbed hold of the vines against the sides of the castle walls and slid rapidly down to the ground, jerking to the stop right before the end.

Carefully lowering one toe, she let the feeling of dewy grass caress her foot while slowly letting herself down. The princess paused, glancing around and taking her final looks at the castle.

Her time had come to an end yet again.

She ran feeling the wind rush through her beautiful red locks, the sound waves growing nearer as she approached the ruinous cliff side. Taking a deep breath, she smelt the fresh air, and the salty tang of the sea.

Amongst it she took in the familiar smell of sweat and a vile metallic stench. The overwhelming aroma of blood filled the air as she braced herself.

She braced herself for the cold, sleek edged glint of a knife to cut swiftly through her throat. For a breath to laugh harshly in her ear before she toppled forwards and plunged into the dark depths of the sea. To feel the jagged edges of the unforgivable rocks to dig into her flesh, shattering the very bones that had been running free.

So, the little princess fell, and her heart stopped thumping. For it hadn't beat for nearly 20 years, as it would never beat again for the rest of eternity, even as she returned every night to say goodnight to her mother.


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