(13) café de la yugyeom

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"aish! i can't believe i lost it!" the poor boy groaned as he messed up his hair. "i'm such an idiot.." he cursed at himself over and over until one boy entered the store.

he was sitting outside the tables by the convenience store. he placed his hands on his face and sighed with a tone of regret.

now, how will i ever get my memories back?

yugyeom looked up when he heard shuffling feet entering to store. it didn't take long, the boy came out with a beer bottle in one hand. he sat two tables away from yugyeom and drank a gulp of the beer he had in his hand.

he made a small laugh and shook his head. "aish.. why do i even feel like this.." the boy said.

yugyeom scoffed and thought how could that guy just be drinking beer this time at night. if there was anyone who should be drinking, it should be him.

the boy had long black hair and he didn't look to old, but maybe a bit older than him though. he didn't get to see much what he looked like, but he did saw a bit of his face.

he had the type of eyes that looks cold if he was angry, but cheerful if he's happy.

now, he had cold eyes.

the boy took something out from his pocket and played with it in his fingers. "huh? why is this glow.." his voice became faded because he started to whisper, making it inaudible for yugyeom to hear.

yugyeom stood up and left his table. he started walking away from the store but he turned back one last time at the boy. the boy's eyebrows furrowed at the object in front of him and it turned yugyeom curious, but he continued on and walked away.

he tilted his head and didn't know why he kept thinking about that boy. "he seems really strange though..." he said. "ahh, forget it..." he shooked his head.

he kicked a rock from his foot, and kept kicking it, and kicking it, and kicking it.. until it bumped into a glass wall. he looked up and saw a big sign.

café de la pari

he looked at the poster that was stuck by the glass door. he squinted his eyes and read what it said.

now hiring:
waiter and cashier for full time!

"you took take care.." an old lady came out and met eyes with yugyeom. she smiled at him and saw he was looking at the poster by the door. "you.." she said and he looked at her confused. "m-me?" she nodded at him.

she signalled him to come in, and he followed, hesitantly. "eunjae, come out here for a second." a girl came out from the staff room. she was tying up her apron and looked up to see her grandma and yugyeom.

"oh, halmoni?" she asked.

"this handsome boy.. i think he'll fit the position were looking for." the lady smiled. yugyeom looked at the old lady then at the girl. "ahh.. i'm just-" she interrupted him. "just take him, eunjae. i think he'll fit this job perfectly." she smiled again. "with this good looks, at least.. he'd get a lot of customers in." she smiled.

she looked at the boy once more then left. "i'm going." yugyeom looked at the girl, and awkwardness took over. the girl made a small smile and tied up her apron.

she tossed yugyeom an apron and signalled him to follow her to the counter. "i'm eunjae. what's your name?" she asked.

"yugyeom.." he answered and she nodded slowly.

"i guess, welcome to café de la pari." she smiled. "my family owns this café.. which was why my grandma told me to take you in." she chuckled and he nodded with a smile. "you probably know how to take orders, don't you?" she asked.

yugyeom watched her as she clicked the buttons in the cash register. "yeah, i think.." he answered. "then i guess all you have to learn is how to use this thing." she said, not taking off her eyes from the cashier.

"mhm." yugyeom answered. she looked at him and smiled.

it didn't take too long for yugyeom to learn how to use it. she started training him a little bit here and there, and he did what he was told easily.

"ooohh, good job new kid. you did good at your first day." eunjae cheered. "thanks." yugyeom said as he cleaned up the last table.

it was already 10 at night, and they were the only two staffs left in the shop.

"i guess were done for the day. i'm not here during mornings because i have classes.. so your shifts will be in the mornings.. uhh, is that okay with you?" she asked and he nodded. "yeah, i have nothing to do anyways." he said with a smile. "nothing? don't you go to school?" she asked.

yugyeom sighed and shooked his head. "ohh.." eunjae nodded awkwardly. "wait a sec." she took off her apron and took her backpack from the staff room.

he took off his too, and started closing the lights. "yah, new kid. where do you live?" she asked. "me? uhm.." he stuttered.

"you do live somewhere don't you?" she asked with a chuckle. yugyeom kept silent and scratched the back of his head. "you don't?" she asked, her voice turning serious.

"it's hard to explain..." he sighed. "i.. i lost all of my memories." he said.

"mwo? memories?" she asked, still confused. yugyeom looked at her and smiled. he patted her shoulder. "don't think about it. it's fine." he said.

he looked at the door then back at her. "i'll leave now.. i'll see you tomorrow." he smiled as he left the shop.

eunjae stood there dumbfounded. "he lost his memories? does that mean.. he doesn't remember anything?" she asked herself. "what the.." she ran out of the shop and locked the door. "yah!" she shouted.

from the distant, she could still see the boy's back figure. she decided to follow him. "yah! new kid!" she called again, but he still didn't hear her.

"yugyeom-ah!" she shouted again.

he stopped and turned around. she panted and placed her hands on her knees. "oh, why'd you run?" he asked. "my..." she panted again.

when she finally got hold of her breath, she stood up properly and looked at him. "my grandma's house.. she has an extra room at her attic. i think she'll be glad to let you stay there." eunjae smiled.

"uhmm, but-" she cutted him off. "no buts! just come with me!" she smiled at him.

a/n: another bet that y'all probably know her ;) she's the girl that was in bts' trailer and she's actually a trainee in jyp :') she's also such a good dancer and she's actually an ahgase too! so i lowkey thought she'd look cute with yugyeom~


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