(14) new home

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"ouch!" yugyeom whined, as his tall mustard head hit the door frame.

eunjae giggled and helped yugyeom to get inside. "okay, maybe this attic isn't the best but.. it would do for you.. i think." she sighed with a smile and crossed her arms across her chest.

"except the door frame.. i guess." she laughed as she pointed at the frame and at yugyeom. "you're too tall for a human being, you know?" she said and yugyeom laughed.

"and you're too judgey for someone your size." he said, eyeing her down. eunjae furrowed her eyebrows and glared at him, laughing under her breath. "tssk." she muttered.

"i'm not even shor-" eunjae's grandma walked in and interrupted the two's conversation by waving her cane between them. "aish.. stop it you two.." she snickered. she looked at yugyeom and made an eye smile.

"i knew you'd stick around the first time i saw you..." she said, making yugyeom flustered.

she looked at the room and shot back a look at her granddaughter. "eunjae." her voice turning serious. "get some bed sheets and pillows.. and get the broom and clean up some of the dust here." she said, as her granddaughter looked at her in disbelief.

"halmoni-" she shot her a glare, making eunjae sigh in surrender. "arasso, arasso.." she mumbled.

she looked back at yugyeom and muttered curses at him under her breath, leaving yugyeom to quietly mock her. after she left the room, her grandma looked at yugyeom again.

"you're a nice kid.. right?" she asked.

yugyeom became flustered again. he wasn't sure what to answer. "uhmm.. y-yeah.. i guess." he said. she smiled and patted his shoulder. "i know you are." she said.

"you seem good enough for eunjae.." she mumbled under her breath.

"uh, what was that, halmoni?" yugyeom asked. he didn't hear what she said. "ahh, nothing. hurry up and clean. i'll start making dinner." she said as she made her way to the door.

"halmoni.." yugyeom called. "thank you!" he said, and bowed a 90 degree angle, making eunjae's grandmother laugh. "yeah, yeah.." she said and walked out.

eunjae came in with 3 fluffy pillows on her arms, struggling to come inside because of the small door frame. yugyeom chuckled, but she got in.

she threw the pillows at the mattress and glared at yugyeom. "pfft, what are you glaring about?" he asked. "your face." she said and left his room laughing. "geez.. she was not even funny.." he sighed as he shooked his head.

he looked around the attic. it was pretty small, it only had enough space for one person to sleep. there was a huge mattress almost covering the whole floor, and a small table, a small desk, you could say, beside it.

yugyeom squatted down the floor and looked at the picture frames that were on the desk. "oh?" he looked at one particular picture and saw one familiar face.

he smiled and grabbed the frame. he sat down properly at the floor and stared at the vintage looking picture of a little girl with a woman beside her. the little girl had a big smile on her face.

this must be eunjae..

she also had bangs and pigtails. she looked different. it was like as if you can't tell it was cha eunjae as a kid. he stared at the woman, wondering who she is.

"y-yah!" eunjae shouted as she saw yugyeom holding the picture frame. she immediately grabbed it from him, and so as the other frames that were on the table. she glared at him once again, making yugyeom laugh.

"can you stop glaring at me?" he asked. "tssk.. can you stop meddling with other people's possesion?!" she shouted. "it was in my room." he said.

"yeah, your room that i gave you. aish.. whatever." she muttered as she left the room.

if that's her mother, then where is she..?

yugyeom wondered at the thought, then stopped, knowing it really was none of his business. he sat down in the mattress, then laid his head down.

"sigh.. i wonder what my mother looks like..." he mumbled to himself.

he stared at the ceiling for a good 10 minutes, thinking about his lost memories. what he must be like, what his life was, what his friends were like, what his family looks like..

he started feeling as if he wanted to choke, also feeling wet tears from his eyes. he sat up from the bed and wiped his eyes. "aish.. why am i like this.." he mumbled.

he suddenly remembered the boy from the store, realizing that both of them probably has big problems going on in there lives.

"yugyeom-ah!" eunjae's grandmother called.

"neh, halmoni..." yugyeom answered. he got up from his bed and walked downstairs. "dinner is ready." she added. yugyeom sniffed the scent of the food that was made.

it felt somewhat like home.

a/n: hello hello i am alive yes i am :) i know i haven't been publishing a bunch of chapters at once like i did at first and i'm sorry for that! i legit went through a author block phase and thought about everything. soooo now that i figured out the plot lines and what will be in what chapters, i think i will be back with publishing more ;) and i hope you guys would like how this story will goooo~

thank uuu,

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