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Every night I have to travel to the city for my work. I was pulled into my line of work by an older woman who found me wandering an ally way. She told me I was perfect for the job. The woman grabbed my hand and led me to the back door of an old brick building. Inside, there were other girls, well, there were only girls. All the girls were dressed in skimpy clothing and heels that I would trip in. None of the girls looked trashy, they were beautiful, but they sure were dressed trashy.

The older woman led me to an office. She closed the door behind us.

"Sit," she uttered, then nodded her head toward an ugly, red leather chair. "Do you know what the work is that we do here Miss..."

"Antonia," I responded. "And no, I have no idea." I laughed a little at the thought of the skimpily dressed girls.

"Well, Miss Antonia, all of my girls here are called Bairs," the lady spoke in a serious tone.

"Bears." The side of my mouth curled up. "Like the animals that live in the woods, those bears. Why are they called that, what work do they do? Are they like murders or something?" My curled mouth turned into a smile. Then the lady glared at me, so I stopped.

"No," her voice stern. "Bairs. B-A-I-R-S, Bairs. Have you ever heard of us, Miss Antonia? What do you do for a living?" She put her hands on the desk and linked her fingers together. The woman leaned forward.

"Um uh," I leaned back making the leather chair moan. "I've never heard of Bairs and I don't work, I just live." The chair seemed to crack from old age and my weight.

"Do you want to know what we do and maybe consider getting in this line of work?" The lady sounded hopeful and excited.

"I guess, so throw it at me." I relaxed in the breaking leather chair.

"By the way, I'm Elaine Reid," Elaine and I shook hands. "My girls are only the best of the best at this line of work. Certain girls, like Fallopia, get calls from men just recommending to see them. My newer girls are sent to bars and clubs of the Affluent. Since my girls are the prettiest of the prettiest, even my newer girls, always get a guy immediately when they walk into buildings. My girls get paid immensely. When the Affluent take the girls home with them that's when the Bair comes to work.

"Bair is divided into two parts: bear and air. The bear part describes how rough they are in bed with the men and how intense it gets. The air describes two different scenes. Though my girls are intense and rough in bed, they are also gentle and light, like air. That's the first air. The second scene with air is my girls never leave a man while he's awake, so when they leave they need to be as quiet as air, to not make a sound. So there you have it, Miss Antonia, that's what Bairs do. Any questions?" Elaine tilted her head slightly.

"So basically, to sum it all up, your girls are sexy prostitutes who do this for a living and like doing it?" I start to think about Nile, oh he'd hate me so much if I took this job.

"Yes," Elaine sighed. "But please don't ever say the word prostitute, that's a thing of the past."

"Yes ma'am," I smiled jokingly. "I will never offend the work of your girls again."

"Okay," Elaine started to smile a little, but it quickly vanished. "Before you say 'yes' or 'no' to my job offer I need to know a few things about you. First is your age." Elaine pulled out a pen and paper.

"Eighteen," I answered while I watched her hand move the pen on the paper.

"Do you have a spouse, significant other, or live with anyone of the opposite sex?" Elaine asked without looking up.

"No," I lied thinking about Nile. I have always been a good lier because of everything that went down sixteen years ago. I also always thought before I spoke.

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