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The next morning I woke up with Nile's arms wrapped around my waist. The feeling of his body against mine was amazingly warm. But he couldn't wake to us like this or he'd keep us in bed all day. Laughing to myself, I tried to wiggle out from his arms. While I was trying to escape, he woke and held me tighter before I could get away.

"Don't leave me," Nathaniel whispered softly into my ear, his warm breath tickling the skin behind it. "Let's stay like this all morning, all day even." I could hear the thoughtless smile in his words.

A smile spread across my face, so I but my lip trying to prevent it. Maybe he forgot about last night, my mind hopeful. Or maybe he won't care.

"Besides," Nile turned me around to face him. "We have to talk about why you snuck out last night." The tone of his voice no longer thoughtless but thoughtful.

I never said I was positive, only hopeful.

"Ugh," I moaned pushing his chest away from me. "It was nothing. Just forget it." When I stood I found myself in only my bra and underwear. Last night when I got home I must have been in the mood I get when I'm at work.

A grin spread across my face as I turned my back at Nile. Slowly, I walked gracefully on the bed back to him. I jumped on top of him, swinging all of my hair to one side. "Or maybe we don't forget it." Even with the smile on my face, Nile was clearly not amused.

He grabbed my shoulders. Then we were switched to where I was under him. "Toni, you know we can't. We have rules after all." Nat let go of my arms and rolled out of bed. "Besides, we also need to talk about what you were doing last night."  There was a pair of shorts laying on the ground that he pulled on. Prior to rubbing his face, Nile shifted his hand at the bed then at me. "What's this whole...ugh... I don't even know what to call it. It's like some whore thing that you're doing. What the hell, Antonia. You can't do that, where did you learn to do that?"

Flabbergasted. I was totally flabbergasted by what he said I didn't even know what to say back. Sitting up I barely whispered, "I'm sorry," but it came out. "I know you're angry, but-but I can't tell you. You wouldn't even approve of it." I couldn't look at him, I knew he was angry with me. Now that he knew I couldn't tell him anything he was going to be even more pissed.

"Fuck, Antonia," Nile ran his hand through his hair. "If I wouldn't approve then you shouldn't be doing it. If you know I wouldn't approve why would you do it?" Nat turned around and looked me dead in the eye. "Now I have to kill you."

My jaw dropped and my body filled with fear.

"I'm kidding of course," Nile admitted, not even amused with my fear-filled body. "But please tell me. You could be doing something you might not know everything about. It could be something that might not seem like it's putting you in danger while it really is. So please, tell-"

"I'm a bair," I blurted just wanting him to shut up. "I don't even know if you know what that means, and I'm not going to explain it." Looking down, I felt as if I had disappointed him.

"A bair?" Nile looked at me stunned. "Why the hell would you do that?" He rubbed his face.

"Do you even know what a bair is?" I asked. "Actually, I should be asking why the hell you'd say th-"

"Actually, I do!" Nile snapped at me. "You probably don't understand what you're doing half the time while you're doing it. I understand what happens within your 'work' more than you do. Do you even know how often you are risking your life?"

I laughed, "how often?"

"Every time you fucking sleep with one of your 'clients', every single fucking time Antonia! Are you even listening to me?" Nile sat on the bed with a frustrated but defeated look on his face.

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