Starting high school

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Enough bullshit to the story!!!!!

It's my first year in high school.Since,I was home school pretty much my whole life. For as long as I can remember I was born alone but I wasn't at the same time I had an older brother. My parents are in Korea visiting my grandmother so Technically this is my first-year high school but not really it's pretty much my 10th grade year but this is my first year going to school I mean my parents always worried about me. I was never the one to make friends I was always bullied and put down but two guys came to my savings and they saved me. " hello welcome to Voltron high school I'm Shiro!" I looked at him "Hi I'm Keith this is my first year in high school. " I said with the shy remark " oh you're the new kid I'm supposed to showing around and you're 10th-grader right? " he smiled with his hand out On the other hand had papers in it "yeah I'm the new kid....umm what grade are you in?"I was so interested in the black-haired male " I'm actually 11th grader student council Takashi shirogane! or Shiro for short!" he laughed awkwardly I laugh at him he blushed at me then I heard girls laughing. "Oh my God Lance you are so cool! "one of the girls said, " Lance is your team going to win this year again? " all the girls giggled and made little comments on his hair or some other thing "all right enough!Lance come on. "All the girls whined and said bye to the guy in Jersey "aww Shiro no fair!" The guy with a jersey said looking upset at Shiro "lance this is the new kid Keith!" Shiro pointed at me I waved at him what? I'm not a big fan of people and people always make fun of how I'm bisexual ."Hello, sweet prince, the name is lance McClain number 10!" He said smiling and a happy cheery voice "cool I guess?" I said to lance I don't really care but he is cute I guess Shiro decided to finish up showing all my classes. I went to my first class of the day.

After school that day

I was laying on my bed I stared at the window and I started to think 'I meet a lot of hot guys today!' I started to get woozy I close my eyes and fell asleep.
Look I keep my promise to yeah new story again! Piper has fallen asleep goddamnit! (ノ ̄д) ∑() (hello from this weirdos friend. She has no life go outside get a life unlike her. It will be a great accomplishment.) From piper's friend person~chan(☆▽☆)bye my beautiful people!

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