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A/N: This chapter dear readers is before the story starts and is a flashback/nightmare that Katherine has about her ex Serge.

    On a beautiful night in Monstropolis, a chameleon-like navy blue female monster with light blue stripes on her back, light blue hands and feet, light blue fronds and a light blue tail tip is sleeping soundly. That is until she begins to have a nightmare and in it she is being taunted by her ex Serge and he says "You know, I don't know what I ever saw in you, you dirty, filthy slut!" And she answers back in her nightmare "Well I could say the same to you after I found out you cheated on me!" Serge then says with a growl "I never cheated on you, you liar!" However she says growling back with her teeth bared in a snarl "Yes you did, I was told everything dumbass!" Then she begins to thrash in her bed as she tries to fight off Serge in her dream but her twin sister Savannah realizes that something is going on and she comes in and hears her say "You can't kill me in my dreams Serge, yes you could make me harm myself as you have done in the past but it won't kill me!" When her sister Savannah comes in she says noticing she is having a nightmare "Katherine, Katherine wake up! It's just a dream!" But Katherine doesn't wake up and continues to thrash again so Savannah picks up one of Katherine's extra pillows and gently smacks her with it and finally she jolts herself awake and pants as she looks to Savannah and says "Thank you for waking me up Savannah, I swear to the Monster World that he was close to killing me this time!" To which Savannah replies "Your welcome sis, anyways it's time for you to get up and get ready for work." Then Katherine gets out of bed and stretches before she goes into the kitchen and finds her six younger sisters, six year old Emma, five year old Abigail, her two four year old sisters Hayley and Caroline and her two three year old sisters Freya and Jade waiting for her and Savannah and she says "Well, aren't you six up a bit too early?" However Emma says "We wanted to get up so we could eat breakfast with you before you left for work." So Katherine says in reply as she smiles "Alright." Then she gets them breakfast before she and Savannah also grab theirs and after they eat and chat a little bit Abigail says "Did you have another nightmare last night Katherine? Because I could feel that you were really stressed out (Abigail has empathic abilities and can sense other monster's feelings through her little fronds)." And Katherine sighs and says "Yes Abigail, I did indeed, but it's nothing for you to worry about okay, we all have times where nightmares hit us repeatedly." Then Abigail nods and after this Katherine says to her sisters "Okay, I better start heading to work, I should be home by about six and Savannah will be here so you should all be fine, and make sure to take a nap during the day and be good for her." And her six younger sisters nod before she gives them each a kiss on their foreheads and gives Savannah a hug as she heads out the door.

End of chapter
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