Chapter 2

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Once they are in the locker room they head towards a karaoke machine (yes they have one in their locker room, don't ask, since it is just the four of them they figured that no one would really care) and Katherine says "How about we sing a few songs." And Diana, Destiny and Lily nod in excitement as Katherine says "How about this one (if you want to know what the song they are going to sing along to is, it is All my Friends Say by Luke Bryan)?" And her three friends immediately nod in agreement before Katherine starts the song and begins to sing

(Note: whenever Katherine sings (cause usually she does it quite a bit) the words will be in italics, Diana, Destiny and Lily tend to sing the chorus of songs with her when they do karaoke)


I got smoke in my hair
My clothes thrown everywhere
Woke up in my rockin' chair
Holdin' a beer in my hand
Sportin' a neon tan

My stereo cranked up
I can't find my truck
How'd I get home from the club
Ain't gotta clue what went down
So I started callin' around

(All four)

And all my Friends say
I started shootin' doubles when you walked in
All my Friends say
I went a little crazy seeing you with him
You know I don't remember a thang
But they say I sure was raisin some game
I was a rockstar
Party hard
Gettin' over you comeback kid
Hey I musta did
What all my Friends say
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Then after they sing the rest they decide to gossip some more and Diana says "So Katherine, you must be quite proud of yourself after moving up to fourth place on the scaring charts." And she says smiling "Yes, I am very proud of myself for that." Then Destiny says as they head out of the locker room "You should be Kat, you have some of the best scaring techniques I know of." Then the four head back to the scare floor and Katherine once again catches Randall's eye and she smiles at him a little as Lily slides the next key card into Katherine's station and while she waits she can't help but stare back at Randall as her scales involuntarily change from her normal navy and light blue to a more blush like reddish pink for a brief moment. This though hasn't gone unnoticed by Randall though who knows immediately what her color scheme is involuntarily telling him and after they both scare a few kids, he actually comes over to politely talk to her (which if anyone knows is something he really hasn't done since he was younger) and says "Hello" and she immediately replies back to him smiling "Hello." Then he says remembering he didn't introduce himself to her earlier "I forgot to introduce myself to you earlier, I'm Randall Boggs." To which she answers "I'm Katherine Valentine." Then Randall gently kisses her hand (to be polite of course) as he says "I normally wouldn't say this to any monster but you are very beautiful Katherine." Which causes her to blush as she says "Thank you Randall, you know, you aren't so bad looking yourself, in fact you are quite hot to be completely honest." He then says to her trying to tell her he really likes her "You know Katherine I know somebody who really likes you but if I weren't so shy, I'd tell you who." This immediately makes Katherine's scales flash a blush reddish color again as she says "You like me?" And he nods as he says "Yes doll, I very much do." While this is going on Diana, Destiny and Lily are watching the two while giggling a little since they haven't seen Katherine this happy around a male monster since her problems with Serge and willingly letting herself go while doing it. As they are watching Katherine's fronds start to fold closer to her head in a cute way and Destiny says "Aww he's making her so happy, I have not seen her fronds do that in a long time." And Diana and Lily nod also happy about this as well as Mike and Sully walk up and Sully says to the three "Hey girls, what going on?" Until he and Mike notice Katherine talking to Randall and he says "Has she lost her mind or something?" But the three shake their heads as Lily explains "He's been looking at her for pretty much the whole day, I think he really likes her Sully." Mike then says "Oh that's great, wait what?" As he stares at Lily with confusion as well as Diana continues "He's making her really happy guys, I have not seen her act this comfortable around many guys since her previous issue (as she points with her tail towards Serge, Diana is sort of like Sully by the way)." Then Mike and Sully nod realizing this as well as Sully says "Your right about that but just watch him while he's around her, he's not the best monster to trust." To which Destiny replies "She knows that already but it seems like he is something she needs right now, especially after her incident last night." And Sully says (he and Mike know a little bit about her reoccurring nightmares about Serge since they are friends of Katherine, Diana, Destiny and Lily) "She has still been having nightmares, hasn't she?" To which the three girls nod right as the bell to end the day goes off. Back with Katherine and Randall, the two have been talking nonstop and Randall says wanting to know a little bit more about her "So Katherine, do you have any family members that live in Monstropolis?" And Katherine nods and says "Yes, I have my twin sister Savannah and my six younger sisters Emma, Abigail, Hayley, Caroline, Freya and Jade, they live with me in my house, it's about a half mile from the factory, Hayley and Caroline are also a set of twins and also are Freya and Jade but they often change their scale colors so they know who is who, our mother was killed by our father when Savannah and I were in college so we decided to live together so we could care for our little sisters, our father left us the night he killed our mother, he was always a drunk and was very abusive to us and our mother, our mother was Cora Valentine and our father I will never say since I hate to speak his name ever since he murdered her and left us." Randall then replies as he actually holds her close a bit "That is so awful, I can't imagine all the stress you have to go through." And she nods as she says "They are the reason I work so hard here, Savannah used to work with me as well but someone had to stay behind and watch our younger sisters so that is what she does." Little do the two know that a certain jealous monster is watching them and very unhappy about how close Katherine is getting to Randall and is growling as he says "My dear Katherine, you have no idea how much you are going to suffer tonight when you fall alseep." As he leaves and Randall says "I would love to meet your sisters someday Katherine." To which she replies "You can come whenever you would like Randall, I just sort of have to let them know ahead of time, especially since my younger sisters haven't seen any male monsters since my problems with that asshole you protected me from earlier, apart from Mike and Sully since they have been friends of ours for a while, I know you kind of have rivalry going on with them but don't worry they are just my friends, nothing more." Then Randall says "How about Friday night after work I come to your place then?" And Katherine says smiling with excitement "Randall I would absolutely love that!" Then he replies as he gently brushes his tail down her back a little "Okay, Friday it is then, I will see you tomorrow Katherine." Then she says "Hey Randall, you don't mind if I call you Randy (I know how ironic, XD) as a nickname do you?" As Randall stares at her in surprise since he hasn't been called that for long time "That is fine with me darling, you can call me whatever you want, if that means I get to do the same with you?" And she says smiling "Of course you can Randall, call me whatever you want." Before she waves goodbye to him and returns to her friends with a smile on her face as she they get ready to leave the factory for the day.

End of chapter
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