↳ dating elton castee

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many, many trips. he loves taking you to the beach and going on walks.

his personal merch model. he just loves taking pictures of you if he's honest.

his short ass beard giving you chills LMAO

playing with circa, shes like your baby.

helping him out when he's stressed because of work, he's really appreciative of this.

helping him film all the time. he also appreciates this.

honestly the best, most creative dates.

literally having a date night once a week, he loves taking time to spend it with you.

everyone is super supportive of you two.

honestly, aesthetic couple pictures.

back rubs?? like for sure. this is canon.

outdoors all the time.

honestly really good sex

he has such a soft spot for you. you're so spoiled.

loves you so much and he tells you everyday.

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