↳dating sam golbach

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he kisses you a lot, he just loves the small act of affection he cant help himself

night owls. loving the nighttime and the dark.

he's super affectionate with you. so its no surprise he's a little bitch for cuddles.

he films with you a lot and invites you on trips with him and colby, or him and the rest of the trap boys.

your relationship KIND of annoys the roommates because they feel like you take sam from them, but they grow to love you like a sister

being one of colby's bestfriends and partner in crime. which sam love. his two favorite people getting along is so important to him.

so many pranks.

giving him space and time to edit and work. his job is important to him so you make it as easy as possible for him.

casual dates that are the best. random mall dates or literally just hikes and picnics.

late night swims for sure

him feeling like the luckiest guy.

nicknames for eachother

so many inside jokes

texting eachother even though you two are in the same room for literally no reason

NOT getting jealous of you and colby because he trusts you both.

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