colby imagine

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y/n- your name jsjs

in this case y/n is a female

•introducing you to his fans•

your pov•

"whats up guys, welcome back to my channel" colby smiles to the camera, adjusting his hair in the view finder. i wipe my hands on my pants, nervously. "and today i have a very very special guest" he keeps smiling. "this person, means so much to me, you guys, you don't even understand." he glances at me, who is currently a blushing mess.
he motions me over to sit in his lap, which i oblige, still blushing. "guys this is my girlfriend, y/n" he smiles at me. "we've been dating for five months and i am so so happy" he kisses my cheek. "i blush more and bury my face in his neck. he chuckles. "say hello, babe" he smiles, moving hair out of my face. "hewwo" i say shyly. "so yeah, we are going to do the boyfriend/girlfriend tag and be super original!" colby says enthusiastically, causing me to giggle. he moves me into the couch and stands up to grab a plastic container of cupcakes. "so basically- wait, babe you explain" he smiles, sitting down. i give him a look, deeming i have no clue what to say. "go ahead" he smiles wider. i sigh jokingly "basically we ask eachother questions and if you get the question wrong you get a cupcake to the head, in the end, the loser *cough* colby *cough* will have to clean the couch and do whatever i want" i giggle. he gives a fake offended look which causes me to laugh more. "i'm clearly gonna win y/n" "in your dreams"

after a game of rock, paper an scissors, colby gets to ask a question first. "okay where's my favorite place to eat" he asks. "tinder greens aka mmm mmm good" i playfully roll my eyes. "too easY" he shrugs and smushes a cupcake in my hair. my jaw drops. "colby!" he just laughs.

in the end colby lost, as predicted.

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