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⠀⠀she accidentally woke up at six a.m. today. the groggy, bed-headed youth impulsed herself upward, murmuring vindictive words to her noisy alarm clock for disrupting her glorious slumber. she had forgotten to disable the device before going to bed, so now she had to suffer the consequence of her own stupidity.

the sun had not yet risen from the sea's deep blue mantle, but even if it had, the fog would've blurred its shine from entering her opened window. speaking of which, she mentally slapped herself for not closing it last night. the cold air was the main reason she always got sick this time around.

after shutting the window tightly closed, nina forced her weary body out of her bedroom and down the set of stairs of her familial home. she held onto the descending bar handle of the staircase to keep her drowsy legs from failing or stumbling.

she expected to be met by the quiet solitude of her living room and kitchen, because she found it way too early for her family to be awake, but when she noticed three figures discussing their own affairs at the dining room table,—with opened magazines, a binder, and a handwritten list retained on a clipboard,—she quickly sprang back with a gasp.

"you scared me," nina clutched her chest, squinting her eyes and instantly recognizing the couple sitting beside her mother.

"i was wondering when you'd wake up," her mom chuckled. "nina, you remember jungkook and bianca from high school, don't you? their wedding is in three weeks, so we're going over the finishing touches of the decorations–"

nina blanked out.


maybe if the girl hadn't been inside her house, nina wouldn't have felt so attacked.

she understood that it was her mother's duty as a professional wedding planner to constantly meet up with her clients for finalizations. but did her mom really need to bring them inside ... at six in the freaking morning? couldn't they just meet elsewhere, like, maybe bianca's apartment?

"yeah, i remember," nina smiled brightly up at them as they all stood up, fighting back an eye roll. "it's nice seeing you again."

"likewise," bianca nodded, glancing back at nina's mother for a quick second. "i didn't know you came back."

rumors diffused rather swiftly in that town because of its small size, so bianca not being in the know about nina's return was quite the shocker.

"yeah," nina tried to reduce the tension with a kind smile. "i came back a week ago. actually, i bumped into jungkook at charlie's when i first arrived." nina spoke so casually about him,—as if his name didn't sway her heart in the slightest,—and jungkook didn't fail to notice this.

for the sake of clarification, no. neither bianca nor anyone except jimin knew about the two ex-lovers' high school affair. it had all been secretly and subtly carried out. they made sure no one suspected a thing.

jungkook and nina were not supposed to fall in love. they were not supposed to act on their feelings. they were not supposed to sneak around and encourage their feelings for one another. it was wrong for them to do so.


well, because jungkook had a girlfriend at the time. and that girlfriend was (now) moving forth to become his wife.

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