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⠀⠀she fluttered her tired eyelids open, finding herself in a strangely familiar setting as she slowly regained consciousness. she stretched out her arms and sat up from her resting position on the coffee shop table, a loud yawn escaping her twitching lips.

jimin, who had been casually perusing an erotic novel in his hands, noticed nina finally awaken and paused his reading just as the protagonist finished the best fellatio performance she had ever given.

"about time, you hoe. i was getting bored," he waved the book in front of her face to show her how lowly he had come for entertainment. the coffee shop was always slower at night, so there was more room for boredom.

jimin was relieved when nina stopped by to keep him company throughout his night shift. however, considering it was 1:00 a.m. and she had barely rested the night prior, nina passed out the moment she sat in one of the booths near the counter.

"sorry, chim chim," she threw him a weary smile. "i've been running low on sleep."

"why? has mr. jeon been keeping you up lately?" jimin wriggled his eyebrows playfully, and nina groaned at his unfair remark.

"no," she lied.

"well, then be grateful that that's over. gosh, i remember seeing you active online at one in the morning every single day when you guys had your thing. you wouldn't sleep! it was so freaking concerning. he'd keep you up all night."

"hey, who said it wasn't me who kept him up?" nina quirked up an eyebrow. "plus, one a.m. was our time. we'd sit right over there," she squinted an eye and pointed at their usual booth in the back corner. "and we'd talk about whatever came to mind—about how he loved playing video games, or how i don't like to cuss, or how the only reason he'd go to english class was to see me. i didn't need sleep. he was my source of energy," she smiled brightly as she recalled the lovely hours she'd spend with him. "plus, if i'd be really sleepy, he'd let me rest on his lap for a bit and stroke my hair."

"nina," jimin leaned forward, noticing that she was no longer feeling worried about having jungkook in her thoughts. it was like she was becoming acceptant of him being there. "you need to leave again. but this time, nina, you can't come back. you need to rip hanam out of your veins and never look back. you're returning to your old tendencies. you're starting to like him again."

"what? no! don't say that!" she gasped, covering her ears to block out his words. "you don't know the kind of crap you're saying, park jimin. don't curse me in such a cruel way."

"i'm only speaking the truth!" he protested, grasping her hands and pulling them down from the sides of her head. "soon enough, you'll be back to your old habits. he's getting married tomorrow, nina. do you really want to be fawning over someone who's married?"

"no," she murmured. "but you're wrong. i don't like him. i've tried not to think of him. the only reason why he's still relevant in my life is because my mother is freaking planning his wedding—and she does it right in front of my damn salad. also, this town is small, and i bump into him occasionally ..."

"if you move, you won't bump into him ever again. you said it yourself, this town is small. you'll see him on a regular basis, continuing his life with bianca, all while you stay pathetically sulking over what could've been. do you really want to be in the same town where he begins his life with a girl who isn't you? do you want to be constantly reminded of your tragic story? if you leave now, nina, you could really move on. you could start anew."

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