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chapter 2

Charlotte watched Luke smoking his cigarette. It hurt to see him, standing there alone in the cold. She wished she could stand next to him. She wished she could smoke with him.

She hated that she couldn't breath the same air as her boyfriend. If she did her throat would swell up and make it impossible for her to breath.

After a few minutes she didn't want to watch her boyfriend anymore, she went upstairs and found herself curled up in bed with tears welling up in her eyes.

It was her anxiety making her feel even more insecure about herself. 'Was she still good enough for her boyfriend?' and 'Does her boyfriend still love her, even though he can't be near her after he had smoked?'

Half an hour later Charlotte heard a door closing; Luke is back in the house. He came in, but didn't smell like himself anymore. He smelled like smoke and couldn't hold Charlotte.

Luke went to the bathroom and took a long shower; he had to get all the smoke off of him. He washed his hair, his body and his hair again to make sure there's no smoke left. After the shower he brushed his teeth, so he had a mint taste in his mouth instead smoke.

He could hold Charlotte now, he could kiss her and he could have her sleeping on his chest.

But when he walked into their bedroom he saw Charlotte sleeping. Of course, that always happened.

Luke couldn't blame her, it was late and it took him over thirty minutes to clean himself.

Charlotte laid with her face towards Luke's side of the bed, so when he got next to her he could see that she had been crying. Oh, he wished he wasn't a stupid addict, so bad.

Luke wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and placed some sweet kisses on her face, making her nose scrunch. Even when she was sleeping, she was the most beautiful and cutest person Luke had ever seen.

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