half demon girl

320 22 17

In the quiet night, Yui and Moa are walking go home after finished their study in Kamiyama Kyouhai Gakuen, because too quiet they decided to go home by bus, few minutes ago a bus stop in front of them.

Yui:''let's go Moa"
Moa:''yosh,, finally we're go home, exhausted day.''

~They entered the bus

Yui and Moa:''excuse me...Excuse me''

Even though they mumbled like that, no one of passengers notice them, they all keep looking ahead Without turning a glance, so... Moa and Yui are sitting in front seat

(Yui's POV)

as the bus started going, we are not talking each other, I think Moa feel sleepy

Me:''are you sleepy Moa?''
Moa:''mmm just little sleepy(//∇//)''

After she said that I feel boring, plus situation in the road and within bus was very quiet makes me more boring, and I don't know why I want to looked back,

When I looked back..... I see a terrible scenery makes me Bowed my head as I squeezing Moa's thigh

Moa:''awwww it's hurts Yui, what's wrong,heyy what's wrong?

I could hear Moa said that, but because I was too scared, I Can't say anything

Moa:''Yui,, are you ok?(´・_・') answer me.''

With nervous and gasping finally I can say something slowly

Me:''hea... he... head.. I see a girl beheaded someone in back.''

Moa:''ehhhh,, what are you talking~''



Someone thrown into the windshield of bus, because of afraid I and Moa huged each other, I was very shock when I saw the thrown person is faced like a demon, and the bus was stop immediately,

the bus driver got out from the bus and ran with full of fear after saw the monster, but another monster from within bus ran chase and catching him and then eat the driver.

I can feel that Moa's heart was pounding such my heart as well, we are still huging each other and Can't move because too scared, this is a nightmare, I heard the others monsters within bus are fight each other just for fight over the both of us as their dinner, all within my mind is about we're gonna die, we're gonna die...

"Hey you two''

I heard Someone said to us, so... we stand and seeing a girl who walked backward slowly towards us, as she directing her sword to the terrible monsters  in front of her, many monsters such lions ready to pounce its prey

This is the worst scenery we've ever seen, I and Moa are screamed histerically.


Said the girl without stare at us, but we still Can't move due to scared, who's the girl?, she holding a black sword but she also wearing seifuku like us, is she a human or?...~

"GO.... NOW!!!''

The girl shouted as she stare at us, I can see her eyeballs are red, and we immediately escape from the bus.

We ran full of afraid as we holding hands each other

Moa:''OMG OMG,,, Yui what happened? Is it a nightmare?''

Without noticed Moa, I directed my stare at the bus, the window of the bus began to be filled with blood splashes, oh my God, protect her please.

Suddenly ...

We both fell due to a great shock, and we screamed histerically after we saw a big monster precisely in front of us, the monster began to roar, we Can't move in umpteenth time morover the monster approached us.

Moa:''Yui(T ^ T).''

I see Moa crying, is it her last words?, Without chit chat I huge Moa and close my eyes and I ready if I and Moa die together right now.


After few moments, nothing happened to us

"Hey you two, it's ok.''

I heard voice of the girl, so I opened my eyes and I see a beautiful girl with holding black sword, and then I look the monster has been split in two piece,

"Are you ok?''

Said the girl, her red eyes makes me little afraid, I guess she is not human

Me:''who are you?''

"My name is Suzuka.'' Said the girl

Me:''and why did you fight against this monsters? Who are you?''

"Actually, I'm not different with this monster.'' Said the girl, now I know that she is not human

Me:''so... you're not human.''

"Ehmm ..  as you say.''

She replied with shy as she looking down


Moa:''but, whoever you are, thanks for save us.''

I think Moa was right, after Moa said that, the girl was smile to us

Moa:''my name is Moa, and she's my best friend Yui, once again I thanks to you.''

Me:''ahhh yes, thank you so much for saving us today.''

"This is the first time, human say thanks to me(^-^), I'm very happy.''

I Can't believe there is beautiful demon like her, she is too kawaii to be a demon(T ^ T)

Suddenly I heard the sound of police car, and then I saw the girl was brought out beautiful wings from her back.

Moa:''woww that's so beautiful.''

A pair of wings from beautiful black flame coming out of her back, she's really beautiful demon.

"Actually I'm a half demon girl(´・_・') that's why I protected you, so, don't be afraid, I will never hurts you.''

Me:''ehhhhh, how could?''

Without answer my question, she was packing her wings as if preparing to fly

"Jaaaa,, bye bye ne, nice to meet you, Yui, Moa.''

After said that, With quickly, she flew away leaving us before the policies arrived.

~To be continue~

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