I am you

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In the previous episode there are many tragedy Within the demon's world, Himeka killed Yui who has been insulated her because she will never defeat Suzuka with only one hand, and then Himeka punched hard Yui's stomach till died, but after that incident, three of Medusa, Jakku and Urqiolla are attached Himeka till got bad injured and unconscious in the snow pile

"Hang on" yelled a little youkai as he shaking Himeka's body, but no response from her

"Hang on, youkai-sama" after few times wake her up finally Himeka opened her eyes slowly

"Ehm。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。" Himeka mumbled as she still feels pain in her body

"Yokatta,,,(^_^)" yelled a little youkai

"Dare?" Himeka replied but she still laying on the snow pile

"Iam Migi" said the little youkai

Himeka:"Your appearance looks like cat, kawaii (^_^)"


"Yes" Himeka said as she wake up "but, who told you to care about me?, go ('°_°')" Added Himeka

"But I guess that you got bad injured" Migi said

"So what? I don't need a weak youkai like you, baka, better you go('°_°')" Himeka said make Migi was leaving her, then Himeka was walking with weakness without knowing the destination where she will go, on the way Suddenly she fall down and fainted again on the snow pile


In the other side, within Moa's house, su's granny and Mikio was talking about the plan to make Suzuka be stronger, so,, she can go to the demon's world to save Yui

"Seems you has been hit her to hard Amira-sama" Mikio said as he stared at Suzuka who still unconscious on the mattress

"It's ok Mikio, I need Your help to make a kekkai" said Suzuka's grandmother

"Are you sure to do it? But she still too young" Mikio tried to remembering her

"Iam sure, she will do it well, I trust her"


The next day, in the extensive barren land, prepare is begin, Suzuka's grandmother give a bottle of blood to Suzuka when Moa, Ayami, Raura and Nene just keep watching rather far away

"Here" said Suzuka's grandmother as she give a bottle

"What is that?" Asked Suzuka

"You should drink it before you fight with your demon"

"Huh, no granny, I will never drink it anymore"

"But I think you will be difficulty without it"

"No('°_°') trust me"

"Hmmm alright, but no body can help you when you in the battle"

Her words make Suzuka little afraid as she gulped

"Hear me Suzuka('°_°'), your father needed ten years to clear this method"

"What??? 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。"

"But, after defeated Himeka, I guess you can clear this training only in 1 day"

"Haaah ( ⊙᎑⊙ ) don't kidding me granny"

"So, give me your sword first"

"Ehh( ⊙᎑⊙ )" Suzuka shocked "so, I will fight it without my sword?" Added Suzuka

"Don't worry sweetie, you still can use it"

"I don't understand but whatever is it I won't lose" Suzuka began took out her supernatural sword from her hand, then she submit it to her grandmother

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