Chapter 1

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     "CUPHEAD!!!!!! WAKE UP!!" Mugman shouted impatiently.

     Cuphead sat up blearily, clearly annoyed at his brother for disturbing his rather peaceful rest. He sighed, "Mugs, it's like 5:30! Why are you waking me up at this hour?"

     Mugman was practically jumping up and down, "Think Cup. Why would I, Mugman, wake up at 5:30 a.m. to scream at you and tell you to wake up?"

     After a couple minutes of thinking, a thought finally popped into Cup's head. "OH CRAP!" he shouted, fear filling his voice.

     Mug smiled at his irritation, then turned and ran out of the room to get dressed. Cuphead was practically dying on the inside. Why today? Why couldn't school start a week from now? Could school possibly never start? Cuphead said to himself.

     Finally he took a deep breath and headed for the closet, determined to find something at least a little bit cool to wear. The only thing he could find that wasn't completely obliterated from fighting bosses all summer was a pair of red jeans, a black turtle neck, and a dark grey trench coat.

In the end, Cup looked a little like this:

     Anyways, Cuphead was getting really nervous

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     Anyways, Cuphead was getting really nervous. He had always been kind of secluded and really didn't like hanging out with people. This, unfortunately, left him open to a heck of a lot of bullying.

     Then he heard Elder Kettle call down for breakfast so he decided there was nothing he could do. When Cup got downstairs, Mugs was already almost done with his breakfast. He was going crazy today, but Cup couldn't blame him because, I mean he was always a social butterfly. It easy for Mugs to make friends.

      ~After Breakfast~

      Elder Kettle sent Cup and Mugs off to school. When they got on the bus, Cuphead went immediately to the back of the bus and sat by the window. Mugman went and sat with a random group of kids who immediately started talking with him.

       At least he's happy. Cup thought. Lucky enough for Cuphead, the school bullies happened to like sitting in the back, pretty much where Cup was sitting. One of the biggest ones, Anthony, happened to be the one that usually sat where Cuphead was.

     "Hey punk! What do you think your doing in my seat?" Anthony asked, rather stand-offishly.

     Cup sighed, thinking that he may as well see how painful this would be. "I'm sitting." he said condescendingly. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

     Anthony looked at his friends, "Check it out guys! This kid is taking my spot and back-talking me."

     He turned to face Cup again, "You must be new here. Well then, little buddy, I think I may need to show you how things work around here!"

     With that, he lifted Cuphead out of the bus seat, held him so high that Cup was practically touching the ceiling, and threw him down quickly onto the concrete bus floor. Cuphead howled in pain, and all the other students, including Mugman, turned at the sound.

     While Cup was still lying on the floor, feeling broken inside, another student came onto the bus. When she saw what was going on she said, "Alright Anthony that's enough. He's got the message."

     Cuphead saw Anthony look at the girl out of the corner of his eye. Anthony yelled, "Come on, Bendy! This punk sat in MY seat and then back-sassed me."

     Bendy walked over and pulled Cuphead up. "Do you promise not to sit in his seat again?"

     Cup was barely aware of what she said, but nodded anyway. "See?" she said, "Now then, if you don't mind."

     With that, Bendy pulled Cuphead into a spare seat and everyone went back to talking.


Exciting chapter, am I right?

Okay, so in this one I am going to act like Bendy is a girl. Comment down below if you can think of any better female names of Bendy, because I couldn't think of any.

Alright well, I'm out

\(0o0)/  Peace ~Skyler

Bullied - A Cuphead and Mugman High School StoryWhere stories live. Discover now