Chapter 2

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     Cuphead studied the girl sitting next to him. She was another ink creation, he could tell for sure. Her clothes consisted of a long sleeve shirt and a small vest. Bendy wor a pair of jeggings, and her headband was a small pair of aviator's goggles.

      Cup was about to say something, but then he got light-headed from the beat down and passed out. Bendy noticed pretty much immediately, and propped up her backpack so that she could exit the seat. 

     When the bus stopped again, she calmly walked up to where Mugs was sitting and asked, "Can I sit here for a brief minute?"

     Not seeing any problems, Mugman patted the seat next to him, offering to let her sit. Bendy spoke in a hushed but important tone, "I'm guessing from the fact that you are the only other one with a cup on his head, that you are that doofus that got himself knocked out's brother?"

     Mugs said quietly, "If I knew what you were talking about, I'd probably say the doofus is named Cuphead, and I'm his brother, Mugman. I'd also probably ask your name, hypothetically speaking, as well as ask if my brother is okay."

     Bendy, clearly seeing no other option, decided to play along. "So I definitely didn't just here that Cuphead is the guy who is currently passed on that bus seat." she said, pointing to the seat a couple rows back, "Furthemore, you don't need to know that my name is Bendy, nor do you want to here that you hypothetical brother is fine."

     Mugs smiled, before returning to talking to his newfound friends, while Bendy was still trying to honestly figure out how to help Cup. She decided on waiting till they got to the school, where they could find the school nurse and get Cuphead an ice pack at least.

 In the mean time, Bendy got herself a hall pass by texting her brother, Boris:

Bendy: Hey Boris

Boris: What's up little sis?

Bendy: Could you get me a hall pass? Some idiot decided to stand up to Anthony. Name's Cuphead, apparently.

Boris: Oh yeah - that's one of the new freshmen this year. Did you meet his brother?

Bendy: Yeah - he seemed nice. Mugman, I think it was? Anyways, hall pass?

Boris: Got it, I'm writing it right now. See ya sis!

Bendy: Bye bro

(Mid Chapter A/N: Boris is the principal of the school btw. Just so that people don't get confused! Also he's a young principal. About 25. K back to the story!)

         ~One bus ride later~

     Bendy walked in, dragging Cuphead behind her. She stopped by the office to get her hall pass, then headed for the nurse's office. When the nurse dipped out of the office to grab some supplies, Bendy grabbed Cup's schedule to see what classes he's supposed to be in.

     Hey! Bendy thought, He and I have all the same classes and electives! She looked over at the figure lying on the table. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I got to know this kid. I mean, minus the whole bus thing, he doesn't seem like a bad kid.

     Quickly, Bendy put the schedule back as she heard him waking up rather groggily. Cuphead woke, rather confused. That girl was standing, concern partially filling her face annoyance filling the other. 

     All signs of sympathy quickly drained from Bendy's face. "Are you an idiot?" she asked impatiently. 

     Cup was already tired, but tried his best to answer properly, "No, I'm not.."

      Bendy sighed. Cuphead tried to sit to look at her straight, but he was already in so much pain. He growled in annoyance as Bendy just there expectingly. She sighed, then went into the next chapter room. 

     Several minutes that felt like hours passed by. He kept hearing that girl, the nurse, and some random dude mumbling in the other room. Then Bendy came in and said, "You seem awake enough to meet the principal."

     Cup wanted to shout protest, but before he could say anything, Boris walked in and sat. His fingers were laced in a contemplative look, almost saying, "Should I kill you or not?"

     "Alright Cuphead," he said finally, "My sister here has promised to look after you today, especially since you can't really walk on your own. Mrs. Nicole, the nurse, will be back in to tape a gauze-covered ice pac to the back of your head."

     Cuphead nodded, then Boris walked out of the room. Bendy was about to leave to wait for the taping to be done, but Cup grabbed her arm. "Wait!" he said weakly trying his best to smile, "Why are you helping me?"

     Bendy looked backwards and gave a half-smile, "To be honest, I don't know. I think I kind of see something of myself in you - for instance, depression. I feel like people have to work through those kinds of problems with people who get it, you know?"

     He gently let go of her arm, "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense....I get bullied a lot."

     She smiled, then walked out of the room to let the nurse tape Cuphead's head.

     ~Later during Lunch~

     Cuphead was trying to get the correct footing. If he didn't, he would lose balance and fall. Granted, he did have Bendy to hold him up, but he really didn't want to have to rely on her to do everything.

     Of course, when Cup was watching his feet, Bendy pretty much had to be a second pair of eyes, trying to avoid trouble. Anthony, unfortunately, was one of those people that liked to take their sweet time in the lunch line, so as Cuphead countinued to walk normally, Anthony stopped.




Sorry guys I had to much caffeine this morning. 

So what'd you think of the chapter? Also, what are some suggestions or changes I could make to make this story better? Also Also, what should Bendy's female name be?

Alright, well, 

~(0o0)~  Bye Peoplez! Skyler

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