Chapter 3

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Cuphead accidentally walked into Anthony, immediately causing reaction from him. He turned and growled, "Not you again, ya little punk. Why you running into me? Trying to own the place?"

Bendy pulled Cup up to look eye-level with Anthony. Cuphead said quietly, "No, I'm not....I didn't s-see you. I'm sorry."

Anthony looked shocked at first, somehow expecting some annoying retort, but nothing. He grumbled a little then kept walking in the line, already bored of the new kid. Thing was, after all the bullying Cuphead had in his early years, he knew all the bully tricks.

Mugman pulled beside Bendy and said, "Walk Cup for me will ya? I need to talk to him."

So they paid for a lunch tray, and while Bendy sat down, Mugman carried me over to the men's restroom so we could talk in private. When they were inside and no one could hear them, Mugman started examining Cup's face and the back of his neck and pretty much everything else.

Mugs' face was welling with tears that he was trying not to show. With what little strength Cuphead had he grasped he brother and said, "Hey, hey now...shhhh, I'm alright, shhhhhh."

Mug buried his face in Cup's arm and began to cry, mumbling a few words in between sobs. "I just don't know how to help you bro.....I feel like I'm useless." he said quietly.

"Hey, little bro, it's okay....I'm okay." Cup said, gritting his teeth silently in pain, "Now listen to me. I don't want you to worry yourself about me. I may be a bit bruised, but I'm 'aight."

Mug just nodded quietly, then picked Cuphead up and carried him back out into the cafeteria where Bendy was waiting at one of the tables. Mugman dropped him off and went to go sit with his friends.

      Bendy sighed, " you get bullied a lot?"
      Cup nodded, poking his fork around his food. "I've been bullied since I was in Kindergarten - I'm always the weird kid who stands in the background." he said, "My brother Mugs never had to worry about that. He's a social butterfly. He doesn't worry about those kinds of things."

     Cup looked up at Bendy, "Do you think your brother will help me try and get on my feet?"
     "Erm," She sighed, fidgeting with her knife, "If anything, he's gonna give me a few more hall passes to help you out, but that'll probably be about it."

     Cup sat thoughtfully, staring down at his half-eaten sandwich.

It kept deleting my progress on the chapters and I gave up for a while there.
I am writing a new book about Sans the Skeleton. It will be a ship book, but not about anyone specific. It explains it more in the description. Anyways I will try and post every evening, I may just do shorter parts of the storyline. I've got it all planned out in my head - just give me some time. Anyways BAI!!

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