Girl Next Door Nathan Sykes Fan-Fic

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Adina's POV: 

                       I'm just in my car while the moving truck is in front of me. Lets start from the beginning the thing is I'm Adina Styling I'm just a typical 17 year old who is part of the twfanmily and always on twitter, also moving with my parents and litter sister to Gloucester from Houston, Texas I play the piano and sing and dance I was actually born in England but moved to Texas when i was 4 because my dad my got work there and now moving back after a really long time. So were all in the car and my parents just talking about my big brother's wedding that happened i really have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, my sister and both of my brothers are married so that leaves me and and my little sister who is 6. Right now its winter break so its like freezing cold here. We finally arrived to our new house and to be honest it was pretty from the outside, i grabbed my little sister and we ran to the front door while the moving man people were taking the furniture inside from the garage.

Nathan's POV: 

                      I heard something from the other side of my window it sounded so great i peeked from my curtains and saw this beautiful girl playing gracefully on her piano it was such a beautiful sound but my mom had to interrupt me by saying "Nathan since we have new neighbors Jess is going to go next door to invite them to our house for dinner so get dressed" "OK mom" I told her and she left out of my room I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.

Adina's POV:

                      I was in my room after I finished playing the piano, I heard the doorbell ring I let my mom answer the door since you know i was lazy and jet lagged. I heard her talking to a girl and then heard her close the door and then she yelled "Everyone in the living room now!" I was scared but curious about what she was going to say to us I got out of my room and my little sister left hers the whole family was in the living room we were all sitting on the couch wondering what she was gonna say to us. "OK well the neighbors daughter came over and you're lucky Adina you can be friends with her, anyways her mom invited us over for dinner so everyone get ready we're leaving in 30 minutes and Adina you better hurry because you're always the one taking long to get ready." "Okay,okay i will go get ready." I ran upstairs to prove to this family i can get dressed fast. Since the first thing i did when i got here was take a shower I didn't need to do that, i got to my suitcase to get my clothes since i haven't finished unpacking I got a, Halston heritage confetti print bustier party dress with essential bow ballet flats, Marc Jacobs exploded Katie bracelet and since its cold outside, a cream colored jacket (here's the link to the clothes )  

After getting dressed I had to do my hair, I went to the bathroom mirror to see my medium long wavy brunette hair I didn't know how to do my hair so after thinking about it for 5 minutes I just let it flow down. I then put on some pink shiny lip gloss and a little bit of eyeliner and then i looked at my mirror and was ready to go. I went downstairs and saw everyone smirking I knew why since everyone was ready so I told them this before they could comment "I know i took long but t it was all worth it, did you want me to look horrible going to the neighbors i didn't think so now lets go." Their faces were just too funny to explain, we all just left our house to go to the neighbors. 

Nathan's POV: 

                    My mom had made a lot of food and it was smelling so good i just wanted to eat it right now, but i knew i couldn't since we have to wait for the neighbors who are 7 minutes late right now. Harry my dog was jumping on me but after a second he stopped and just went to sleep. The doorbell rang and my mom opened it the first one to step in was the mom and then the dad and then this adorable little girl stepped in she looked like 5 or 6 year old and then this girl who kinda looked my age came in she was texting in her phone and didn't look up yet. But when she did look up she had this shocked look in her face like she saw a ghost. Me and Jess went to introduce ourselves but apparently she knew us because she said this,"Aren't you Nathan and Jess Sykes?" She said with a really excited face. "Yes we are,how do you know?" Jess asked her. "Well i know because I'm a big fan of The Wanted." "Oh you are well that's awesome seems like now you're always gonna be next door to us." I told her After that me, Jess, and her went to the couch. I was going to ask her, her name but the messages she kept on getting were bothering me and she didn't text back at any of them i wonder why. "Why aren't you answering any messages?" I told her. "Oh its because i don't need to answer them there not important anyways." She replied. "Cmon just awnser them it must be important since you're getting so many." Jess was telling her."You know what i need to put this jacket somewhere where should i put it." She was questioning us and changing the subject. I took the jacket from her and took it the coat hanger when coming back I saw her texting and now I knew why she didnt want to text in front of me, it was because she had the wanted phone cover and me as the screen wallpaper it was cute actually. "Well it's dinnertime now everyone come." My mom told everyone finally i thought


Well i hope you guys like it this is my second story check out my first one of you havent read that one anyways the characters name is actually my first name so ya, something like this actually happened in my dream so i wanted to put it on this. Vote comment fan and follow on twitter AdinaTWBrohi. The song is Crush by David Archuleta im pretty sure by listening to that song you know how Adina is feeling ok enough rambling byee! 

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