Chapter One: Beautiful

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August 30, 2017

Dear Diary,

I think I am a decent person, trying to be optimistic about every and try and find the good. I just wonder when everyone changed, because it's sad that the friends you had up to middle school just abandon you once you reach highschool. It's the start of senior year, and I am just ready to get out of this shit hole and college... That is, if I survive till graduation. Sometimes I just wish I could set this place on fire and just walk away, but I feel everything will get better...

Mitch walked into Valley Bridge High School on his first day of high school, and he could already tell the year was going to be shifty once more. No one in his small town in Texas like the gay kid... That is, once everyone reached high school. Everyone focused on Mitch and his best friend, Kirstie, when it came to picking. Mitch just wished he could befriend the Lexes, Alex, Alexis, and Alexa, so no one would bully him anymore. And when he saw them hanging in the hallway for the hell of it, and a teacher coming down the hallway, he hid and began forging a teacher's hall pass note, waiting for the right time.

"I hate how chubby I am," Alexis whined, the brunette looking in a mirror. "I just wish my mom will let me get the surgery I want."

"Shut up Alexis!" Alex snapped, putting on more red lipstick. "There are more important things to worry about than the fact you have fat hips."

"Sorry Alex," Alexis shut down.

"I think you should see a doctor about that," Alexa suggested softly. "It sounds like a bad situation."

"I think I will after school," Alexis smiled as the teacher, Miss Carter, walked up.

"Do you guys have a hall pass?" the teacher asked, though it was obvious they didn't.

"Alexis ran out sick," Alex explained, "and we came out to make sure she was okay. We were just about to head away."

"I am going to have to give you a detention," Miss Carter sighed as Mitch ran up.

"All four of us are actually on a hall pass," he called out, handing the sheet of paper. "I pulled them out because something came up in the yearbook room."

"Consider yourselves lucky," she spat sternly, handing Alex the pass and walking away.

"This is Mr. Kaplan's exact handwriting," Alex spoke, obviously impressed. "Who the hell are you, Sissy Boy?"

"Ummm I am Mitch," he stuttered out nervously, "and I want a little something in return."

"And what would that be?" she asked curiously.

"I want to sit at your table once," he requested. "I think that if it appears you're okay with me, then I won't be bullied as much anymore. That's all I want."

"Well that is just a ridiculously preposterous request!" she spat. "Why would I let a fag sit at my table? What made you think such a thing?"

"I can also do other things like report cards, permission slips, letters home, and many other things," he explained. "I can also make 100% realistic fake IDs with your own face on it. You'll have to go a bit out of town, though, since they know you here."

"Can you do prescriptions?" Alexis asked, the Italian nodding her an answer.

"Can you just shut up about your problems?!" Alex snapped, Alexis shutting down once more. "I will only let you sit at my table if you pretend to be a new female student named lexi."

"That is okay with me," Mitch agreed. "What color do you want me to wear?"

"I am thinking blue for you," she shrugged. "For a male, you have quite feminine features. I am pretty sure with some makeup, fake boobs, and a nice wig, I think we can pull this shit off. Let's go on and leave this dump and take you to get some new clothes, because I am sure none of yours will work. We'll take you to the spa, and everything. You just need to promise that you'll forge anything we ask you to. That is my only stipulation."

"I can definitely do that," he nodded excitedly. "Can we do the shopping after school? I just want my last day as Mitch. Can I have that?"

"Fine with me," she rolled her eyes, giving him her number. "Go home and text me your address. I will pick you up there when you get home. Now, the bell's gonna ring so get away from me."

"Yes ma'am," he scurried away, and bumped into an unfamiliar but very attractive blond haired boy. "Oh I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"You shouldn't have to change yourself because society says so, Mitch isn't it?" the blond said. "It is nice to meet you, Mitch. I am Scott, but people call me Ricky for some damn reason."

"Well lovely to meet you too, Ricky," Mitch returned, "and it is only for a few days. I will pretend to be my sister, and no one will bother me anymore."

"There are more ways to do it, Mitch," Scott argued but the bell rang. "I guess I will have to see you around."

"I will see you..." Mitch mumbled walking to class.
Mitch arrived at his home, and it was more expensive than the rest of the town combined, but no one cared because he was gay. He sighed and walked into the door, ignoring his parents trying to talk to him. He went to his room, and got out the wig he had only worn once before. He sighed and safely put it in the bag in case Alex made him put it on when he arrived. He sent a text to Alex, wondering if becoming a bitch like the Lexes was worth it. He got everything together and sat outside, waiting for the girls to arrive. They finally did, and he got in the back seat of Alex's Range Rover with Alexis. Alex pulled off and began to speak.

"Do you have a favorite brand, Gay Boy?" Alex asked. "A female brand, because you'll be a girl when you're with us. Wes and Damian won't remember the difference anyways."

"I like Balenciaga," he explained, "but I will wear anything you want me to, honestly."

"Ooh you like Balenciaga?!" Alexis squealed. "I love Balenciaga. I got the boots and bag for Alexa, and I have this necklace from them."

"Oh that's awesome!" he smiled. "I have some jewelry and clothes that you can have. I model for them so they make me custom stuff. Most of it is yellow, so I will have to give them to you."

"That would be incredible, Mitch!" she nodded with a bounce.

"Shut up, Alexis!" Alex snipped, Alexis quieting up. "He is Lexi from now on. Do not talk to Lexi unless you address her as such."

"Yes, Ma'am," Alexis responded, growing silent as they drove to give the man his makeover.

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