Shine a Light Reprise Pt. 2

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Mitch walked into the blond's house, nervous of what he had to say about Mitch's outburst. Mitch, even though excited to cuddle up and get close to his lover, he tried to avoid him because he knew he made a mistake. He sit down on a couch, and Scott tried to sit down next to him, but Mitch wasn't having it. He was nervous, and full of regret, and he tried to open up to the sympathetic man, but he just couldn't when he felt so bad. Mitch knew he could've gotten them both in deep trouble, so he avoided the conversation that he knew would eventually happen.

"You don't have to avoid me, Mitch," Scott sighed, breaking the terrible silence between them. "What you did isn't as bad as you think it is, Darling."

"I literally told the whole school I killed three people," Mitch sighed, though he was softening up. "How is that not as bad as I think, Scott?!"

"At least we're now just in plain sight," Scott shrugged it off, trying to get the other boy to give in. "Now we'll never get in trouble for this. You have nothing to worry about anymore; unless we slice up Alexis as well, because she definitely deserves it. She'd be easy to kill because no one likes her."

"You promised you would stop this," Mitch whined, pushing the blond away from him. "You promise you wouldn't try to drag me back into this."

"I'm not dragging you into anything, Mitch," Scott reassured, Mitch oblivious to the lies the blond was telling. "I was just saying that she deserves it because she's much worse than Alex ever thought of being. I promise That's all I meant, Baby. I love you. Our love is God."

"Our love is God," Mitch repeated, kissing the other man and melting under his touch. The kiss did lead to potentially a lot more, them so wrapped in each other that they didn’t see Mr. Hoying walk in.

“Why can’t I have some privacy with my boyfriend, Dad?” Mr. Hoying greeted like he usually did.

“Rules are the door needs to stay open,” Scott retorted bitterly. “That means I feel privileged enough to walk in whenever I feel is necessary.”

“I finally cracked those assholes trying to make a scene,” Mr. Hoying called out calmly, putting the disk in the blu-ray player. “They were complaining about a hotel being so damn important. So I hid some Norwegians in the boiler room and it set off the thermals throughout the hotel. It was so beautiful. I’m going to go grab some popcorn.”

“Take your time,” Scott smirked, shooting the blu-ray player the minute his father was far enough away from the bedroom.

"What did I say about shooting electronics?!" Mr. Hoying yelled from the other room, making the sadistic blond laugh.

"What the actual fuck?!" Mitch yelled out angrily. "You promised you wouldn't do this."

"You know it was funny," Scott argued, showing no remorse.

"That shit isn't funny, Scott!" Mitch snapped. "You promised you'd put this all behind you. You fucking promised!! You know what? I am done with this. I'm going to go. You have really fucked me up, and I don't want to do this anymore."

"No please stay!" Scott begged. "I can't do this shit without you. You mean everything to me. You're the only one that understands me."

"I've had enough of pretending to understand me," Mitch shook his head, attempting to stand up. Before he could, though, Scott grabbed the other man in a headlock with the gun against the Italian's head.

"Don't fucking leave me!" Scott begged, but his voice was demanding and terrifying. "Don't go!"

"You're fucking sick!" Mitch broke free, storming out of the Hoying residence one last time.

"What drama!" Mitch heard Alex say, her appearing in front of him on the sidewalk. "I told you guys like him don't change. That's why I never fell in love. I learned quite quickly that love is overrated. It makes people imagine that the ghost of someone they killed is haunting them."

"You are such a bitch!" Mitch whined, trying to get past her, but she reappeared in front of him once again.

"I am brutally honest," she corrected. "You witnessed what kind of guy he is, and you still love him. It's written all over your face that you'd take him back if he asked you to. You're into that sadistic shit. Here's real advice, and this is the only time I am going to actually be nice to anyone but myself. He isn't worth it. As much as I hate you're a queer, I know you deserve better than that. Get out of there while you still can, because you're obviously losing your mind right now. Back to being a bitch. I know you won't take my advice, so I can't wait to see you in hell. The three of us can't wait to see you down here. Take that red scrunchie and join us, because you're more like me than those wannabes ever dreamed of being."

"I am nothing like you!" Mitch yelled, noticing a little girl looking at him strange. "Staring is rude. Let me talk to a ghost in peace, okay?!"

The girl ran away screaming, scared of the freakishly psychotic look the man gave her. Mitch laughed, scaring himself at how crazy and dark it sounded. He was starting to really lose his mind, and he knew that reality was finally hitting him. He was a serial killer as much as Scott was. He pulled the trigger, and he went to school like he hadn't done anything wrong. He knew Scott was lying, he knew that Scott wouldn't change, but he still pined after that sadistic blond. He breathed in and out, going back home and went straight to his room, laying down. He thought that maybe sleeping would make everything better for him, but he couldn't be more wrong.

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