Chapter Twelve: Our Love is God Pt. 2

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"Scott!" Lexi called out, but he was already after other football player.

She sat on the ground, and looked around, and looked in the bag Scott had made up for the occasion. He found makeup, some gay porn magazines and dvds, along with some female lingerie and wigs, beginning to come back to reality. She knew Scott had probably lied about the bullets, but she refused to believe that they had killed another person. She kept reassuring herself that they'd be there at school, and everything would be okay. She kept telling herself that the bullet didn't kill him, but it was hard to believe when the boy's fingers began to turn blue. Just as she walked over to him, Damian ran back up, her panicking.

"Do it now!" Scott called out, her absentmindedly pulling the trigger, the football player falling back into the circle that was meant for him. "Now let's go!"

Scott ran, placing the guns in their hands and grabbing the girl, escaping into the woods just as the cops walked up. They began to quietly sneak through the forest, attempting to get a close to the cemetery as possible. Halfway to the other side, she fell on a lot of sticks, and they heard the cops coming. Scott thought quickly and sat up his phone to record, pulled his cock out, picked her up, and began fucking her against the tree, her arms wrapping around his neck. Their lips began to move as fast as Scott's hips, just in time for the cop to run up.

"What are you kids doing?" the officer growled. "The forest is not a place to have sex."

"We're semiprofessional pornstars, Asshole," Scott spat, still holding Lexi up. "We paid for our rights to do this, and now we have to start over thanks to you."

"Are you two even old enough to be pornstars?" the officer raised an eyebrow.

"Our IDs are in her purse," Scott sighed, the officer looking at the perfect fake IDs before he got on the walkie talkies.

"Did you find anything?"
"Turns out the noises I heard were two 20 year olds filming a porno."
"Were they hot?"
"Yeah they were, man. He had her up against the wall. She was a brunette with some real nice tits."
"You can come back to the clearing."
"Is it murder?"
"No. You need to come look for yourself."
"I will be there."

"You two clean up after you're done," the cop demanded, walking away.

"What do w... ah fuck!" is all she could get out before Scott slammed back into her, thrusting into her until both of them were pushed over the edge.

They stood in place until they regained their strength, grabbing their stuff and going back to her house. They both cleaned themselves up and changed, sneaking her dad's car out. She stayed silent, thinking about what had happened, as they drove to the nearest 7/11. He got out of the car and went around to romantically open her door, as if they hadn't just shot two people. They got their slushies, and some snacks, and headed back out, driving into the parking lot of their school. They parked in his favorite spot and fell asleep after a long night.
Lexi woke up first and noticed that she was in the car, in the school's parking lot. She looked over at Scott and smiled, but then remembered everything that had happened the night before. She began to panic, trying to write in her journal. She couldn't focus on anything but their mortified faces when they got shot. She could see their fear, their agony, their regret, their begging for mercy, but more importantly, their hopes and dreams.

She didn't believe she had done those things. She couldn't believe that she was living in reality. She believed that it was only a very long nightmare, so she took a lighter and put the flame to her hand. The pain from the burn made her scream, causing the blond to wake up and looked over at the "girl". When he saw what she done, he grabbed the lighter, opened the door, and tossed it out, closing the door back once he did.

"We killed them, didn't we?" Lexi finally spoke up, realizing it was reality.

"We sure did," Scott sighed. "They were dead even before you agreed to it. I was gonna off 'em even if I had to do it myself."

"I am so fucking stupid to think they were tranquilizer bullets," she spat. "I am so fucking stupid to believe it."

"Ignorance is bliss," he shrugged, "and Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling. You believed it because you are hiding from the truth. You got what you wanted."

"I did not want them dead!" she snapped.

"Denial is what gets you in trouble," he laughed. "The minute Alexa locked you out. You wanted them, and her, dead and you can't deny it, Mitch. You did want them dead as much as I did."

"I am going in now," she spat. "Please do me a fucking favor and leave me alone."

"You know that won't happen," Scott yelled out as Lexi got out of the car, slamming the door.

"You having relationship problems?" Alexis laughed, walking up.

"Are you having weight problems?" Lexi retorted, Alexa laughing a little bit. "I am not in the mood for anyone's bullshit right now."

"Awwww!" Alexis cooed. "Is the little baby not getting some anymore."

"Actually," Lexi laughed, "I get ten times better sex than you have with your 20 boyfriends and counting. Hell, he fucked me against the tree, in the forest behind the cemetery. Would've on Alex's grave as a big 'fuck you' but too many patrols were out last night. Maybe Scotty or me can give you pointers on how to properly give a blowjob. Maybe then you wouldn't have to have 20 boyfriends."

"Girls," Mrs. Carter called out, walking over to them. "We have canceled classes for two weeks. You can go on ahead and go back home."

"Why?" Alexa asked, her voice making Lexi want to throw up.

"There has been another suicide," Mrs. Carter explained. "It was a double suicide. Apparently Wes and Damian were secretly in a relationship and felt too hidden and suppressed, and they killed each other in a romantic suicide pact. It's a beautifully tragic way to go."

"No!" Alexis squealed out, obviously refraining tears Alexa rolled her eyes and walked back to the car, leaving Alexis.

"Hey Alexa," Lexi sighed. "I can see that you're really upset, and I think you need some real friends. How about you come with us on a 7/11 run and you can tell me what's on your mind?"

"I'd like that," Alexis smiled, the two going to the car.

"Before you say anything," Lexi explained, "this one is cool. She is the only popular girl I even like. She is on our side."

"Fine with me," Scott shrugged, turning on the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

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