Chapter 23 (:

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Since she wasn't talking to Synthia and Laurent, Julie hung out with Rachel, Ashley and Michael. Even they sensed something was wrong, but knew better than to ask her.

Having not started on her seminar, she worked on it feverishly during her free times. Andrea was cheerful that whole week. Until it was two days before the recital. Thursday. Everything was fine, till Synthia phoned Julie and asked her to come to her house. Julie refused, but later said yes, when she realized it was about Andrea.

“My dad has an important meeting on Saturday. He has to go back to Washington DC today.” Andrea said, between sobs.

Andrea had been slogging her guts out to make sure this ballet recital was perfect. Julie understood now. It was all for her father. And if he wasn't there to view it... No, that wasn't going to happen.

“Hey, is your dad home?”

“He left already. I wanted to go with him to the airport, but he told me to stay back.”

“When is the flight?”

“9 pm.”

Julie rushed out the door and went back home. No one was at home. I hate to do this, but I have to ask Laurent for help, she thought.

Taking her jacket and her purse, she went to Laurent's house and rang the door bell.

Laurent was shocked to find Julie at his door.

“I need a ride. To the airport. Please. It's an emergency. It's 7pm. Can we make it by 8:30?”

Laurent shoved the car key, and the two zoomed off. “Hurry hurry. We have to be there before 8:30.”

“Can I know what's the emergency? I am missing my show. It better be worth it.”

Julie shot him a dirty look. “ No. I'm still mad at you. I'm only asking you this favor because it's to help a friend.”

“Yeah, you'll help a friend, but you wont help yourself, nor will you let someone else help you.”

“Shut up. I don't need another lecture. And hurry up.”

Laurent shrugged. “I'm going at 100mph. I can go faster, but the car can't go.”

Having no choice, Julie had to wait. They reached the airport at 8:45. Shoot.

“Laurent, get me through the gates. Please. Create a diversion. I need to get through the gates. He's almost on the plane. Please.” Julie pleaded.


Laurent took off his glasses, and one girl saw him, and squealed, “Hey, that's Laurent Nicolas.”

Diversion created, Julie slipped through the gates. The alarm bell sounded.

I'm so glad I took track. Shoot. I don't know the train gate. Gahh.

She went to the nearest booth and requested to make a call. She called for Andrea's father. She hoped he hadn't entered the plane yet. Praying and hoping for the best.

At 8:55, an annoyed looking man came to the information booth. He asked the guy at the booth who had called him. When he saw Julie, he was flabbergasted.

Julie started at once.

“Sir, don't go to Washington DC.”

“Young girl, I have no time for your pranks. I'm going to miss my flight!”

“Please sir, don't go. I'm Andrea's friend. Her schoolmate and dance mate. We are a part of this dance production. It's a huge thing, and Andrea's been practicing so hard for it. She's a natural, sir. She doesn't have to practice so hard. But she wanted it so perfect. We didn't understand why. Only today, she was in tears. We understood why. She said you were leaving today. You visit her only once in a few months, sir. She's been practicing so hard, only for you. When she realized you were leaving, she was so devastated. I knew she

wouldn't have told you, and I couldn't have let this happen. I rushed immediately to the airport. Please sir, don't go.”

Andrea's father shook his head. “I'm sorry...”

Julie didn't want to hear it. She turned and was about to walk away.

“Wait. You haven't heard for what. You were right. She didn't tell me. I'm glad you did, and will be ever thankful for what you did today. I've never spent time with her. This meeting can wait. Let's go.”

Julie was thrilled. She hugged Andrea's dad on an impulse, who was shocked, but later regained his composure and patted her head.

When they reached the entrance of the airport, they saw Laurent guarded by a few policemen. Julie laughed. Laurent scowled. “Shall we go?” He asked.

Julie nodded. Mission accomplished. Tired, she slept all the way through the car. Andrea's dad explained to Laurent what happened. He clearly didn't know anything at all. He dropped Andrea's dad at his house, and when they reached home, Julie hadn't woken up.

Smiling to himself, he carried her to her room and put her to sleep. He silently explained what happened, to her mother, and Mrs. Roberts phoned Synthia, who had been calling every five minutes to ask where Julie was. The whole family was worried.

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